
Hi all, so this is my first time posting and I don't even know what I'm asking for exactly or if I'm posting correctly but I can't talk to anyone I know as I don't want to panic too much ot panic anyone else but I am! I'm 40, a mum of 7 and never had any problems regarding my menstral cycle or reproductive organs etc I’ve always been regular as clockwork every 31 days and lasts 5 days. That was until I miscarried a baby in January of this year! Myself and my husband started trying to conceive last year in May 2018, I've always been lucky enough to fall pregnant during the 1st or 2nd month of trying, so when it wasn't happening after a few months I purchased an ovulation kit and I was pregnant by November, but miscarried at 3 months in January (I actually haemorrhaged but recovered quickly. I let myself rest and started trying again the following month (Feb/March 2019) using the ovulation kit but I did not and still haven't ovulated. My period did return regular and on time for the first couple of months as clockwork but since around July they have come every 2 to 3 weeks, I've had abdominal cramps even  when I'm not on my period and bleeding during and after sex but only mild spotting. I booked in for my smear as it was overdue by a whole year  and I'd put the reminder in a pile of other reminders and totally forgot about it! The nurse refused to do the smear I’d booked as she stated my erratic periods were most likely due to pregnancy (wth!) even though I'd told her I was 100% sure it wasn't pregnancy as I'd done numerous preg tests just in case but also I hadn't been sexually active for a while anyway so by now I'd definitely know if I was pregnant and didn’t know! But nope she refused and told me to get bloods done for diabetes!!! Completely confused I booked another appointment with my GP to find out what on earth was going on with not just myself but with the nurse requesting diabetes bloods by this point I’d been bleeding for more than 2 weeks which had never happened before (and I’d rang 101 for advice from a doctor who said I was flagging as cervical cancer and should go to my nearest A&E department) so my GP referred me to have a scan done and full bloods done including diabetes hormones thyroid levels (I have underactive thyroid) and he prescribed Tranexamic Acid. The blood results all came back fine, but by this time I had been bleeding for over 3 weeks (started 18th Oct) so my GP then prescribed me Norethisterone tablets on Thursday (7 Nov) to stop the bleeding so I could have my smear done which was already booked for today (Mon 11 Nov) I had the scan done on Friday 8 Nov and was told ovaries and uterus all look fine nothing abnormal detected and to get results in 10 days from my Dr, but she did say that the scan shows I have a thickened womb lining but said she couldn't say what this means and to speak to my DR (not helpful!) I know that I’ve never had a thickened womb lining before cos I have a long history of high risk pregnancies and miscarriage so I’ve had a zillion scans before! So going back to my smear test today, the nurse couldn't find my cervix (never had this problem before!) and said she will have to send me to a clinic to have it done but said she will try one more time and did find it but the speculum she used for the smear was covered in blood and she advised me that I may not get any results due to the bleeding as they don't normally do smear tests until it's been 7-10 days after a bleed, but given the circumstances she will try anyway but I will more than likely have to have a repeat test! So I walked away in pain and got home and the floodgates have opened and I'm once again bleeding bright red blood after a 1 day break (the Norethisterone tablets stopped the bleeding list yesterday)  I'm currently sat waiting for painkillers to kick in and have lower back and pelvic pain/cramps which feel like and feel very scared and confused that this could be something very sinister going on in my cervical region and don't even want to utter the C word right now! Please someone tell me if you have had this happen whether it was good or bad results I need to know! 

  • Hello busymum79

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been dealing with these ongoing problems for the past few months. Given everything that you've mentioned in your post, it's understandable that you're feeling worried about what may be causing it all. 

    I hope that things have settled down a little since your post on Monday. Hopefully the results of your ultrasound will be back with your GP in the next few days and I would imagine that your GP would be considering referring you to a gynaecologist. 

    If you think it would help to talk to one of our nurses about your concerns then please do give them a call. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope that things improve for you soon. 
    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Sorry to hear what you are going through and the frustration the nurses and gp gave been causing you.  I hope you have had an outcome by now and feeling better.  It seems you need to change your gp or get a referral to a gynaecologist or go private just so you have peace of mind as all this experience can cause you anxiety above all. 

    Ofc this is just my opinion but I truly hope you get to the bottom of it all and the results are positive for you.

  • Hi, I'm none the wiser unfortunately, I had my scan but have not had official results from my GP as yet I was told 10 days from the day it was done but I don't imagine the lady who did the scan would not tell me if anything untowards was seen? I had my smear done but again no results as yet got a 2 week wait but seen as there was a lot of blood in the cervix I may have to do a repeat smear. My GP told me they try to rule out the more simple causes first they literally start from the bottom (bloods, scan, smear) and then if they can't find a cause that's then when they will refer me to a consultant so for now it's a waiting game for all results. I would go private if I could and changing my GP would still have me starting from the bottom I see my GP next week so I'll push for a referral to a gynaecologist. I can't figure out why on earth im not ovulating either, never had that happen before and my hormones and thyroids were all good! Thank you for your response x