Scan results neck lump

Hi I had a scan last week on my neck due to a lump behind my ear towards my jaw, the sonographer said it was a benign reactive lymph node but the measurements he gave didn't seem right. Anyway I have now had a letter asking me to go in to see the consultant next week so my anxiety has really kicked in! 
my Question is would they have me in sooner than 2 weeks if they thought it was anything bad? I know 2 weeks is still really quick. 

thank you 

  • Hi Louise

    Just thought i'd drop you a reply.

    I recently have been through the motions of testing, multiple specialist visits and GP visits for symptoms similar to yours (Albeit not the tinnitus or retracted eardrum).

    I had 3 ultrasounds, 2 of which showed enlarged but normal lymph nodes.

    I've had 2 nasondescopies, all clear.

    I've still got a sore throat, occasional ear fullness/pain.. My ENT has diagnosed as possible Laryngo reflux, or allergies, and is also likely causing my intermittent ear fullness and pain. 

    I guess what i'm trying to say, is try not worry. I'm not completely settled, but i do think that i have LPR as my symptoms do match and my ENT seemed very good. I was convinced for weeks i had cancer, but hopefully i can now move forwards..

    Try not to panic, you are on the path to finding out whats wrong and it will likely be something nowhere near as serious as your anxiety is telling you! 


  • Hi, 

    hope you are doing well! 
    please can I ask what kind of symptoms you are getting? I have had a sore throat/ neck for 4 months and ear pain. Some days I struggle to eat and have difficulty breathing. I am constantly feeling weak and faint. I have seen an ENT where they looked down my throat with a camera. Apparently all was fine apart from my tonsils were a little swollen. He didn't really seem bothered about my symptoms and just said that an appointment will be made to have another look but I will be asked to swollow food and drink to see what happens. I am concerned they don't believe how much pain I am and how ill I am feeling. Worried they are going to miss something like cancer. Is it possible that throat cancer isn't always picked up through the procedure I have had? 
    Please can someone give me advice so I can stop overthinking everything. :(