
Hi, my name is a Sarah.  My husband collapsed two days before Christmas and was diagnosed on Christmas Eve with a brain tumour. He is 38 years old and we have 3 sons. He has lost a lot of mobility and I now have to use a wheelchair to take him out. Our whole world has turned upside down and the boys are struggling with the changes too. This is the first time I have ever posted on a forum, as I'm not good with technology. However could see how supportive you were all being to each other.  Thanks for reading x

  • Hello Sarah

    I am so sorry for the situation that you and your husband are now in.  It is a tough place to be and I have no useful advice except to wish you all  the best for the future, I hope you have friends and family near to help you.  The Maggie centres and Macmillan nurses are a great resource to help you in many ways. 




    Hi Sarah,

    A very warm welcome to our community.

    I am so sorry to hear about the hard time you and your husband are having and, at such a young age. This is a hard road at any time, but must be even more difficult with three young sons. What ages are your boys and, how much do they know about what is happening with their dad?

    What treatment/surgery has he had? Do you have any support to care for your husband? It cannot be easy looking after your hubby 24/7, but still having to look after your children. You need support yourself and it is available if you know where to look.

    We are always here for you. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi sorry about your husband is he going to have any treatment, just that you don't mention any. Best wishes. 


  • All the best Sarah keep strong for your husband. X

  • Hi.

    In peace, just wondering why this thread is suddenly getting a response now.

    The original poster (ssj) Sarah posted over 2 years ago, only made the one post and hasn't logged in since.

    I do realise that older posts with info on tests, symptoms etc. can still help people and come up on forum searches. But the revival of this one baffles me a bit. . . especially considering it was an after 2am (BST) posting too. I noticed it in real time as I was up doing the usual doctor internet.



    Hi TwitTwoo,

    This thread is getting a response, because I have eyesight problems and mistook the date of the original post. For some reason or other, it appeared as the latest post in this group.

    I am sorry to anyone who subsequentally replied, but apologise specifically to Susan for any additional upset that I have caused her.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx