Rough time scale?


My mum was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer January 2017. She had chemo followed by surgery.  She had regular check ups about 2 months apart and all appeared well. The cancer looked like it had gone. 

About 2 months ago her lungs started filling with fluid. She went and got this fluid drained and suspicious spots were found on her lungs, a biopsy was taken. 

Friday she was given the devastating news that the cancer had returned, stage 4, too late for treatment. Was told it's out of control, in her lungs, heart, chest and rapidly and aggressively spreading still. Dr said time with her now is precious. 

What I am wondering is roughly how long are we looking at? I know no one can answer this precisely as some will go longer some will go quicker but I just want a rough average going by what you've just read and going by experience if you've been in similar position with loved ones. 


Thank you all. 

  • Hello LookingforAnswers,

    Welcome to our friendly forum. I am so sorry to hear that your mum has received the news that her cancer has returned and is very aggressive. It must be a real shock for your mum and for her loved ones.

    It is completely understandable that, as your username suggests, you are looking for answers at the moment and you are right it is difficult to give anyone a precise prognosis. Perhaps if you feel you really need to have a clearer sense of what might happen or feel you need to have an estimate, you could ask your mum's medical team? They will be best placed to know from looking at her current medical details and to tell you what to expect.

    If you need to talk things through with our cancer nurses, they are only a free phone call away if you live in the UK - you can ring them on 0808 800 4040 and their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

    I also hope that you will hear from some of our members here who have been in a similar position with a loved one in the past and that they will come and say hello and share their own personal experience with you.

    Best wishes,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator


  • Hello Lookingforanswers,

    The guessing and waiting game is hellish and I'm sorry you are having to play it. Like you, we thought Mum was on the road to recovery only to suddenly find her cancer had spread widely and quickly, that there was no treatment left. We didn't know how long, Mum didn't want to know. I'm sorry to say that her decline was quicker than we imagined and expected, 12 days later she passed away. This was last month and due to the speed and unexpected reoccurrence it still seems unreal.

    I sincerely hope that you manage to have your time together. Make every memory and moment count. X