Room spinning


Currently waiting for my urgent referral to the breast clinic appointment.

However I really don't feel right, I feel soo dizzy, nauseous and have a kind of burning / achey sensation at the bottom of my head, it's necessarily painful just very uncomfortable .  I can't lie on my back at all, and when I close my eyes I feel like I'm on a merry go round. Really off balance. It's kind of like I'm 21 again (I wish) and had way too much to drink. 

I don't want go back to the GP and bother them again, because I'm dizzy. But I just want it to it to stop. 

Not really a question sorry, just needed to share.

  • Quite often when you are stressed, as you will be, it can cause vertigo, which sounds as if it is what you are experiencing. Go back to the GP, or call for a telephone appointment. There are plenty of medications they can prescribe. Also anti sickness travel medication does much the same job, so it may be worth trying until you get an appointment. It could also be something to do with your ear which is totally unrelated. Such a worrying time, but please do seek some help. Hope. That helps a bit. Also speak to the pharmacist. X

  • Hi AuntSally,

    Thank you, I thankfully managed to get an appointment and they  gave some tablets to help with the nausea and dizziness. It is stressful, I didn't realise how much it can affect everything. 

    Hopefully it works.



  • Pleased you went back and got some treatment. It is all so overwhelming isn't it. Hope they start working soon. Xx