Right itchy nipple

I have had a right itchy nipple for 2 months now and my gp referred me to the Breast Clinic where I was examined and I had a mammogram, ultrasound and chest X-ray but nothing was found. I don't have a rash but my nipple is slightly redder than usual. As nothing was found in the tests I was discharged back to my gp. I saw my gp again this week because the itching is getting worse and I asked her if I could be referred for a second opinion to a different Breast Clinic where I'm hoping they will carry out further tests ie a biopsy. I have now got the appointment for the second opinion to another Breast Clinic for 2 weeks time. Can anyone else relate to this where you have had tests and nothing was found. Just because I don't have a rash none of the doctors think there is anything to worry about but I'm really concerned.

  • Hello, I'm hopping on purely because I have the exact same as you, my appointment is the week after next. The doctors also told me the tissue is different in each one. Such a scary time. I've had the itching for months now.

  • Hi Lucy747 I'm so scared because the nipple burning and itch is getting more frequent. At first it came and went but now it's here everyday. I'm also very tired and I'm so worried that the doctors don't know what it is so I'm praying when I see the Breast Clinic in 2 weeks for a second opinion they will find out what it is. I've never had any problems with my breasts so I know there is something wrong. 

  • Hi both,

    Just wanted to leave a quick message to say that I have experienced this before, right breast and nipple were itching like mad for four months. I thought it felt quite warm too, but I think I had googled so much, I was focussed on things I wouldn't have noticed before. 

    I went to my GP who reassured me that there was nothing there. A few months after I ended up with a mammogram for a totally unrelated cyst but they didnt find anything relating to the itching either. After a while, it just went away on it's own.

    It's always good to be vigilant with your health as you both have been, but sometimes are bodies are just plain weird and there is no reason at all for the things it does :)

    Take care and hope everthing goes well x



  • I'm really worried because the burning and itching in my nipple is so bad. It actually feels like something is crawling around in my nipple. I'm praying that this burning and itching will just go away on its own but I can't see it happening. I just don't know where to turn and I'm praying my appointment for a second opinion at the Breast Clinic in 2 weeks time will show up the problem. I'm so frightened what this could be and it's making my life hell.

  • Hey there,

    Try to focus on the positives so far. You have had three tests so far that have all come back fine. You have already been to the breast clinic and been examined - these people are the absolute experts, they know exactly what they are looking for. That is all really good news. 

    I see you say it's a bit red, that could be because you are in a cycle of itching/scratching? I tried Palmer's body moisturiser which did seem to help.

    I know you are worried, and it's awful when you are in this period of waiting to find out, I've been there. If you ever want to chat I'm here. Maybe also give the nurses on here a call too? I'm sure a chat with them will help reassure you.

    AJ x

  • Many thanks for your advice. I'm really trying to stop worrying. It's strange the itching may stop for a couple of days then I think it's gone away then it comes back really bad. I'm trying not to worry my husband but he's the only person at home I have to talk to so just being able to talk to someone else is a big help. I've been looking on line what could be causing this and inflammatory breast cancer came up and it scared me so much because it said it doesn't get picked up with mammogram and ultrasound. The problem is the itch is inside and I've tried loads of creams and lotions the doctor prescribed and it doesn't touch the itch in my nipple but I'll try what you suggest and once again thank you so much for your advice. I really appreciate it.

  • I was exactly the same. I was convinced I had IBC. When I said it to my GP, she basically said IBC would present with a very noticeable rash or severe reddening. We are all guilty are visiting Dr Google then diagnosing ourselves! I was so convinced my boob felt a lot warmer than the other (which it probably was because I kept scratching it!), I was also convinced that my nipple was swollen and was bigger than the other. (It wasn't). 

    I wont say try not to worry as I know its impossible! One Dr once said to me 'Please try to remember that your 20 minutes on Google does not compare to my 20 years of medical knowledge and experience!'. Its good advice :laugh:

    AJ x

  • Many thanks. My itch is inside so i can't scratch it. I was very upset when I went to the first breast clinic because the consultant was really uncaring and said the tests have come back clear so you are discharged back to your GP and I was desperate to know where I should go from there because nothing had changed I still had the burning and I still have the itch that's why I asked my GP for a second opinion because I'm desperately trying to find out what this is. Thank you so much for taking the time to give me hope and advice.x

  • Hi I hope you are doing better now. I read your post and I could have written it. I have had a slight red itchy left nipple for years now. I had a mammogram and 2 ultrasounds they all came back clear. I was referred to a dermatologist but because I don't have a rash she won't do a biopsy. She prescribed fluconazole she reckons it's a yeast or fungal infection I must say that for about a week my symptoms disappear but it came BACK and I don't know what else I can do. They must think I'm mental and it's all in my head oh but don't I wish that was the case. Just wanted let you know that you aren't alone, take care, and don't stop until you get answers. 

  • Hi there. I have exactly the same symptoms as you have. It would drive you insane! I have fibrocystic breasts and am menopausal too. Due to see breast specialist in two weeks time (again) regarding the itching and to organise my annual mammogram. Did you ever get any answers/second opinions on your issues. You were so right to go further with it. I hope all is well!