
Hi, I recently had a mole removed due to the change in colour. I asked the registrar when I had it removed how do I receive the results she advised if no issues by post if issues will book an appointment to see you. I have just received a call to see my consultant in 2 days time and my mind is going crazy! Are there other reason except for being diagnosed with a form of skin cancer they would want to see me? 


Thank you you for any advice in advance.

  • Hi,

    The possible options are that the biopsy shows it was a dysplastic (atypical) mole - these are benign but need removing because they have the ability to turn cancerous if left. In these circumstances they may wish to remove further tissue to ensure they've removed it all and/or they want to check any other moles you have. Anoher option is that it is melanoma, however it could have been caught early and not grown down below the skin surface (in situ) which is good news as it can't spread. The third option is that it is melanoma that has grown in depth and this will require more tissue removing to see how deep it grew and to remove it all. This option, depending on depth, will decide on what future check ups etc are needed.

    Hopefully yours was caught early and option one or two applies but try not to panic if it's option 3 - with surgery and check ups there is a good chance you will be fine. I suggest you take someone with you to the appointment so you don't miss or forget anything that's discussed. Good luck and please let us know how you get on.

    Angie (melanoma patient)

  • Hi, thank you for your advice!


    i got diagnosed with stage 1a melanoma. So very early stages which is a positive. I’ve got to have more skin removed to ensure it hasn’t spread so touch wood! Thank you for  responding to me it really helped me prepare as the unknown was worse than knowing so thank you xx

  • I'm so glad it's been caught at an early stage. The Wide Local Excision is just a belt & braces job and then you will have regular check ups for a time and then hopefully have no further problem. xx