
Hey I went for a smear a week ago then went for an internal by doctor she said cervix are inflamed and sending me colophon is this normal and she also mentioned something about borderline 

  • Hello and thank you for you post,

    It sounds like your cervical screening test result may have come back and is showing a borderline result, this means that the cells that line part of your cervix are between a normal and mild level of abnormality. This is not cancer.  It might help to read the information on our website about abnormal cervical screening results, you can see it here 

    Your GP has checked your cervix also and has seen some inflammation and has referred you to be seen at the colposcopy clinic. While I know this might be a worry this is not necessarily anything to do with cancer.  Inflammation can be a result of infection.  

    Be reassured that you will have a colposcopy, this means that a specialist doctor or nurse will see your cervix in great detail and see what could be the matter. It might be reassuring to know that most people who are seen in the colposcopy clinic will not find out they have cancer.

    It can be a worry waiting for hospital appointments so I hope you have some support from family and friends. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,


  • What sort of infection could it be as I got sti tests done and they were clear im such a worry wart thank u for getting back to me

  • Hello and thanks for getting back in touch.

    While inflammation on the cervix can be caused by infection there are other causes such as irritation.

    Remember your screening has come back with a slight change to the cells that line your cervix, so it is very unlikely that cancer will be found. 

    I realise that you are worried but please know that I or anyone on here cannot tell you what is the matter. And the best thing to do is to wait and go to your colposcopy appointment where you will then know far more information about your situation.

    Take care,
