
My brother has terminal oesophegal cancer and yesterday was put into palliative care after it was discovered it had spread to his liver.  This has been diganosed during the last 4 weeks and so has been quite sudden although he had been visiting his doctor since March advising of his concerns about his conditon to be told that it was acid reflux.  That aside, the immediate concern is that he resides in Jersey and he and his wife were due to move back to the UK this weekend for his wife to start a new job in the Swindon area and they have a house with part of their furniture already in the property.  Obviously this move has temporarily been put on hold and his Consultant feels he should stay there and have quality time there in his final days, whereas he is adamant he does not want to die there and wants his care to be transferred to the UK and to see his wife settled in their new home.  They are on their own there with no family support and are very private people.  I am trying to support from the UK (obviously with the current restrictions I cannot fly there and be useful as I would have to quarantine for 14 days) and so am in the process of obtainng quotes for transfer back to the UK via private ambulance/ferry as I am unsure whether he can fly, he cannot take anything by mouth and has a feeding tube.  They are not private patients and have no medical insurance. 


It's very difficult as firstly the hospice in the UK requires referral from the Consultant who feels this is not the right decision.  Also the company we have received a quote from have discovered that they will have to stay in Jersey for 5 days & have 2 clear tests before they can collect him and bring him back, although they have applied to Jeresey Government for special dispensation.  Time is of the essence, as I cannot physically see him nor talk to a doctor I am unsure how long he has left, although I think its only a matter of days/weeks.  Does anyone have any experience of this kind of liaison as the logistics are proving very difficult and I am desperately trying to help and take some of the pressure off them both from a distance.

  • Hello Sisterp

    I'm so sorry to hear about your brothers diagnosis and the situation that he and your sister in law find themselves in. It sounds like a very difficult situation for you all. 

    I'm unsure if we've any members here who have been through a similar situation but hopefully if there is anyone with words of advice or experiences to share then they will reply to your post. 

    It may be worth giving our team of nurses a call to see if they are able to make any suggestions about referrals etc if your brothers Consultant refuses to support his decision.

    It may be that the Consultant feels your brother is not physically well enough to make the long journey and this is why he has recommended staying in Jersey. I know tha tyou've said you're not able to speak to the Consultant but that may be something your brother or sister-in-law want to discuss with the Dr. 

    If you would like to speak to one of our nurses they're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I do hope that you're able to find a solution that your brother is comfortable with. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Thank you for your kind words.  We eventually got permission and a private plane lined up for his flight home on Wednesday 21st October, but then my sister in law tested positive for COVID and so he was given the choice of staying in Jersey to die or come here to the UK where I would look after him.  He made it home to his wife on 22nd October and died on 25th October.  My sister in law then had to stay in the house on her own, self isolating until Monday 2nd November.  I last spoke to him on a facetime call the day before he died.  


    Sadly we can only attend his funeral in Jersey next week via streaming and my sister in law is then coming to stay with us for some comfort 2 days later.


    I dont think I have ever been through a more stressful time in my life, not helped by having to chase for pain relief, scans and help from consultants from the UK.


    At least he is out of pain and at peace.