Referred to the breast clinic due to cancer worries

Hi all, 

I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing but I just need people who understand to talk to! 

I'm 23 and have just been referred to the breast clinic, my appointment is next Monday the 25th! 

I've always, for as long as I can remember in my adult life, had pretty excessive dimpling under my boobs when my hands are lifted up - I thought this was normal due to my weight loss and weight fluctuating since I was a teenager. I then noticed some other changes more recently in my breasts, I have a bruised texture on both of my boobs I'd say probably two inches above my nipple and when I lift my boobs up with my hands this area is really scaly and lumpy in texture. This was something which got me really worried! Around 2 weeks ago I noticed the top of my nipple edge had started to blur on both sides and the nipples darkness had sort of smudged upwards? 

I don't know if anyone has had these symptoms before but I'm just really curious as I've tried to google search this but can't find anyone with symptoms like this or any that look like mine. 

I'm so nervous and scared, I haven't stopped crying with worry and anxiousness for the past week! I'm only 23 and until around a month ago, I never thought breast cancer was possible at 23! Heck, even the nurse told me the other day that it was impossible at 23 - trust me, I definitely shut her spreading of misinformation down as I've personally educated myself on BC and wasn't letting a medical professional spread stuff like that to young girls who are worried like myself. I hate this waiting part as I keep thinking I'm going insane  Hoping it's nothing too serious but I don't have much positivity in me at the moment. 

  • hey, i've been here before. well done for taking control of your health worries! i'm very proud of you. 


    try not to self diagnose. i know it's so much easier said than done, health's anxiety is the WORST. i would suggest doing some self care and looking after yourself, practicing mindfulness and trying not to think too much about the worst possibility's. try to not jump to conclusions. 


    please keep us updated lovely. look after yourself <3

  • Hi, 

    Thank you so much for those kind words!

    I'm the worst for googling symptoms and making myself super anxious and worried. Hopefully I'll have more of an idea with whats going on in a weeks time!