Referral to Gastro

Hello everyone. 

I've been having tummy pain for a few months now, loose stools and gurgling tummy. The pain started back in September when I was taking Napoxen for back and shoulder pain. I stopped taking Napoxen but my symptoms got worse, the doctor gave me Omperazole. The pain was still there so I phoned again doctor checked my blood pressure and checked my abdominal area. Prescribed me Buscopan and gave me a stool sample to do. After a few days the receptionist phoned and said nothing to worry about but the doctor will phone in a weeks time. I got the results Thursday 25th,  the FIT test was negative at 2ug also tested me for Helicobacter Pylori which is also negative. My test for Calprotectin however is 159ug and the doctor has referred me to Gastroenterology. WHY? when the receptionist said nothing to worry about! I am just asking if anyone else has had the same sort of level of Calprotectin as me and what the outcome was. I hate hospitals as it is and my health anxiety is going through the roof. I'm still waiting for my appointment to come through for Gastro.

  • Currently in a similar situation. Anxiety through roof as calprotectin 120 and doctor phoned to say I needed to repeat it. I am awaiting those results and my tummy's so bad with worry! So I totally get it. Hope you are ok! Did they say how long for an appointment? X

  • [@Charl123]‍ I'm surprised my doctor didn't ask me to repeat the test as I was taking PPIs when I did my stool sample. I've read that they can increase Calprotectin levels. The doctor said she will be referring me urgently. Had a letter from the doctor to say that I should hear back by tomorrow about an appointment but haven't heard anything yet. What symptoms do you have? 

  • I went to GP with blood on my stool and ongoing blood when I wipe. Dr took a look said I had fissures. But it feel like I am swollen there and possibly some piles but I don't know if its normal or not or even a pile. Fissures just won't heal I can see two of them. But can't see where the blood is coming from on the lump/pile its kind of inside? 


    i also have urgency to go on a morning as soon as I wake up and it's not firm. I thought it was maybe a bit of ibs as I do get anxiety on a morning. 


    the calprotectin result was a bit of a shock when I googled it because it means somethings going on internally. Xx

  • Hey [@Charl123]‍ 

    how are you doing? Have you got an update yet? Im still waiting for an appointment with Gastroenterology. Still having tummy pains etc.