Referral to breast clinic, I’m 22 and freaking out!!!

Hi everyone 

I went to see my gp on Friday after experiencing pain in my left breast which comes and goes, I also have a fatty lump underneath my left armpit which I've had an ultrasound on when I was pregnant with my daughter and it wasn't any cause of concern. 

the doctor checked both breasts and said she can feel "dentures like lumps" in both parts of my breasts. I really struggle with health anxiety and this shot my anxiety through the roof. She said she isn't concerned and doesn't believe it's anything but as it's to do with my breast wants to refer me to a breast clinic within 2 weeks.. (may I add no history of breast cancer in my family) 


im really scared it's driving me insane I'm not sleeping, not eating I'm just thinking the worst. Can anyone give me any advice or has anyone been in the same situation?

  • How long ago was your misscarrige I only say this because I had breast changes after my misscarrige because my milk came in I lost my baby at 12 weeks and still my body acted like my baby was alive and I had all the pregnancy symptoms bigger boobs aching etc 

  • Hi thanks for your reply.


    I haven't had a miscarriaged. I was pregnant in 2018 I had my ultrasound in June of that year and had my daughter in December 2018..the gp also told me it could possibly be where I'm due on my period but I'm not due in for another 2 weeks..

  • Hi Abby,

    I am early 30's and I found a lump in my left breast about 10 days ago. I went to the GP, who could feel the lump & she referred me straight away to the Breast Clinic for an urgent check. 
    I was terrified when I came out of the surgery & really didn't know what to think. I got a date to be seen by the breast clinic literally within 48 hours, and I went for my appointment on Friday just gone.  I had an ultrasound & the doctor told me it was a benign cist & nothing to worry about. I burst out crying because the waiting really got to me, all I could think of was the worst outcome! 
    so all I can say is, try and think positive, keep yourself busy & wait to be seen by the clinic, I know it's easier said than done, but you are young, & have no family history of BC, which are all really positive signs. I don't have history of BC in my family either, so I kept telling myself that the odds were on my side. 

    hope your ok, :) 

  • Hi lovely,


    thanks for much for your reply that has made me feel a lot better. Fingers crossed my story will be the same as yours! Thankyou for taking the time to reply. 

    it doesn't stop my health anxiety I have really really struggled since having my daughter and anything that I worry about I always assume it's the worst.



  • Yes can totally understand that if you struggle with anxiety anyway, then this kind of thing can be completely overwhelming. 
    & waiting is the worst! :( 

    I hope you do have the same outcome as me, I felt so relieved & lucky to walk out of there knowing I was going to be okay. 

    Hope you will be ok, be good to know how you get on. 

    take care :) 


  • Oh sorry I must have been replying to another post I read I'm not all there at the minute my dad died 5 week ago from cancer and I'm all over the place 

  • Hi Abby,


    I hope I can help! I'm so so similar to you in the sense I worry about everything. Last year I got myself in such a state worrying about fatty lumps in my left breast, causing temporary pain into my armpit. I went to the GP (during peak covid lockdown), and they had sent me to urgent breast clinic. 

    The wait always feels worse than the day of the appointment - 2 weeks felt forever. I also had two grandmothers who had breast cancer so I'm super cautious.


    When I went they were absolutely lovely. I was emotional as I had to go on my own (25 years old), convincing myself i had breast cancer. They started examining and drew around an area which made me panic more...turns out following an ultrasound it's just dense tissue, and they sent me home with a breast pain leaflet. 

    Its really common for young women to have dense breasts which can feel abnormal in places - so please please don't try and stress.


    I got myself sick worrying, so I'd hate someone else to get like that too :happy:


  • Hi lovely

    thanks for the reply, that's really made me feel more at ease. I really appreciate your response I'll keep you updated on what the outcome is when I have the appointment. Many thanks again x