Referral to Breast Clinic

Hi, i found a lump yesterday by accident (i check monthly & never noticed it before). I'm 45.  Amazingly i got a GP app this morning! She said she isn't concerned, that it's small & it feels superficial.  but she did the 2 week referral to be on the safe side as my mum died from breast cancer in her 60's. The GP was reassuring but that's not stopping me catastrophising, thinking its all over my body as i have back ache & stomach issues. Its not helping that my sibling is coming towards the end of their life from cancer (brain) so my stress levels are already through the roof. Although i do check myself i must admit, the past few months i've probably been less thorough just concentrating on my sibling, like i've not wanted to find something. If that makes sense. Its all so overwhelming. I've been reading all the posts & the lovely responses people are getting. What a lovely supportive group. 

  • Hi Nell, sorry that you have found yourself here.  I am one step ahead of you as in I have had my referral appointment and am now due on Thursday to get my biopsy results.

    My breast clinic appointment was within a week of seeing the GP, they did a mammogram, ultrasound, took 3 biopsies and I saw a DR afterwards who gave me my appoint for the results on the 20th.  The waiting is awful, just awful.

    Sorry you are experiencing family issues with cancer too try to keep busy, easier said then done I know.  

  • Nell & toot 

    my diagnosis was last July I found the waiting was absolutely terrifying when I actually found out I felt calmer ridiculous I no .

    im fully back to my crazy life now 

    I'm really hoping you both get good outcomes 

    Good luck let us no how you get on 

    big hugs 

    love Lara ️

  • Hi All 


    In the same boat,  I am 45 found lump this weekend and breast clinic on 25th . 


    I have been checked out before but lump feels different. Worried sick . 

    Gp said it doesn't feel alarming but I wonder if they would say if they did. 


    Sending love to all 



  • GP wouldn't be able to really say until you have a mamo biopsy and ultrasound there is no way to say if it's cancer or not 

    at the breast clinic you will have a check and if it's suspicious they will biopsy for you 

    but please don't worry easier said than done as ot can be lots of things other than bad news lovely 

    good luck love Lara ️

  • Hi Nell12,

    I am so sorry that you are in this boat. Well, I am on the same boat - 39 and waiting for my breast clinic appointment for a huge lump that appeared rather suddenly. I am also very sorry to hear about your sibling. It must be an extremely stressful time. Hopefully posting on here helps. Lots of lovely people here, that's for sure.

  • Hi Vickycos,

    Like you, I have my breast clinic on the 25th. Also found my lump this weekend. I'm 39. Never had breast lumps or bumps before, so I'm definitely nervous. If you have been checked out before and everything turned out to be ok, I'm hoping that it'll also be ok this time around for you. But I totally get that the waiting and wondering can be the scariest part of this journey. Let's hope the 25th brings good news to both of us. Sending love.

  • Hi Lucky ! 

    I will  be thinking about you on the 25th. From past experience everyone there is in the same boat , it can take a few hours if you need a scan and mammoagram.  

    I am grateful to be seen so soon but also dreading it in a way . 

    Not long now - sending love x

  • Just an update from me. Due to my level of anxiety & things going on in my family at the moment, my husband decided it would be impossible to wait for the appointment next week. I went to a really dark place & thought of all sorts of awful outcomes. We went private yesterday & i am so relieved that it was a cyst. It was drained while I was there. 

    I wanted to share my thoughts as i know what it’s like to spend hours reading through these posts, desperate for reassurance. I also foolishly delved into Dr Google at times. Not wise, but difficult to resist. 

    My lump was about 1x1.5cm, smooth, hard, didn’t move & appeared quickly (i check monthly but hadn’t noticed it 2 weeks previously). 

    Reading the internet, I felt reassured that my lump was smooth, but i was also freaked out to read that a hard unmoveable lump is not good. So please don’t jump to the conclusion that your lump might be sinister based on the negativity of Google where EVERYTHING is cancer!

    From this experience i know i’m going to have to learn some coping strategies for if this happens again! In future i will act quickly & will then do my best to avoid the internet, keep busy & wait patiently for my appointment. 

    I admire everyone’s positivity & strength on here & wish you all good outcomes xx

  • So happy to hear your positive outcome Nell.  I am on my 13th day of waiting for my biopsy results and my mind swings from the worst to best outcome constantly.  I have my results appt at 4pm tomorrow, the waiting is mentally devastating, wish I had thought about going private.  Onwards we go x

  • Tootoot, i have everything crossed for you & i am so sorry it's such a difficult wait. Positive thoughts coming your way xxx