Recurrence of lung cancer

hi, I’ve just joined this for online support as I have been in remission for 3.5yrs and now it’s back. They didn’t expect me to get remission originally so I’ve had an extra year or so. They were looking at lung surgery but I’ve decided against it as I have chronic pain and half of surgery patients experience chronic pain afterwards due to nerves being cut/damaged etc I also can’t get around much due to other problems and don’t want an extended half life, as it were. 

Im interested in people with similar experience and what to expect on my ‘journey ‘? 

  • Hi Jen

    I sorry to hear about the recurrance of your cancer.

    I haven't had any experience of that sort but I am bumping up your enquiry for others to see.

    I can see you are making very considered choices for your treatment and I hope you find a good journey.

    Kind regards
