Recurrence of breast cancer.

Hi I’m new to the site although I already went through surgery for breast cancer 4 years ago. When I had cancer the first time i felt like I would beat it and had no need for reasssurance from one of these sites. My cancer was very small 3 mils and I had a mastectomy on the effected breast. I had no Chemo or Radiation as it wasn’t felt necessary. Four years on, I woke up one day and felt a strange bulge under the muscle on the side where I had the mastectomy. Turns out it’s a rather large lump - about the size of a golf ball.

Long story short, I’m now waiting for a scan and biopsy appointment. My anxiety levels have rocketed and I’m feeling all sorts of pain in areas that I hadn’t even felt before. Is this normal? Is my anxiety playing tricks with me. How do I stop thinking that I’m riddled with cancer? Any advice would be welcome. Thanks Danish-lady