Rectal Cancer

I was diagnosed with rectal cancer in Feb 2020, the plan was to give chemotherapy and radiotherapy to reduce the tumour but I was unable to have chemotherapy as did not have enzymes in my blood to break it down. 

The radiotherapy took place in April which was a week of high doses

I had a CT and MRI scan which highlighted something so was sent for a PET scan which we went for the results on Friday just gone 

Unfortunately the cancer has spread to the surface of my liver and stomach so I'm being referred to a hospital in Manchester to see if they can operate to remove it all - if not then I will be given chemotherapy to try and slow it down 

To say im scared is an absolute understatement as i have a wife and 5 children and also a granddaughter

Any words of advice would be much appreciated 


  • Hi Spinnerfm and welcome to Cancer Chat.

    I'm really sorry that your cancer has spread but fingers crossed the surgery in Manchester will successfully remove the rest of the cancer.

    I know this is a scary time but we're here for you and are sending big virtual hugs your way. I'm sure some of our members will offer their support and advice to you soon as well.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello Spinnerfm,

                             your mind will be travelling at 100mph as you try to cope with all the implications your diagnosis brings,feeling solid ground beneath your feet must seem impossible presently.


    Try not too overthink everything,and get ahead of yourself,its important to keep as clear a mind as you possibly can,especiaslly when you are dealing with your medical team.Its not easy,but in my case l was fortunate in that l sorted my feelings out early on in the process,accepting that l could not do anything to change the diagnosis,but perhaps by keeping the stress levels down,l could alter the outcome.l veered towards accepting my case could be fatal,so anything above that was a success.Having had a career looking after animals l had many opportunities to see how high stress levels trigger and make worse medical events,and the incredibly positive results from practising low stress management systems


    Like yourself my bowel cancer spread to my liver during the inital treatment of radio/chemo,again being picked up by a scan.My medical expanded to include a Liver consultant,and after a contest obout who was going to get first crack ,bowel or liver surgeon,the liver man got the nod on the basis that the spread was so quick if he waited a further six weeks he would be unable to operate.So l lost 60% of the liver plus the gallbladder.


    The thing to not lose sight of is that these surgeons and their medical team are red hot on what they do,and if you are referred to a main centre like Manchester,they will be on top of their game and you will be in the very best of hands


    Their are no guarentees of the eventual outcome,but how you carry yourself from here on can really make a difference to what l hope will your long journey back to secure ground surrounded by your loved ones.


    l like others have made it through and six years later healthy,fit and living a full active life,can still look back and can in no way diminish what has been one hell of a journey and really mindful to pass on the need to pace yourself physically and most importantly mentally.


    If you have access,use Maggies,these places are a godsend with the people that staff them are simply amazing.l was fortunate to have one attached to hospital at inverness,and since l was from an offshore island,l was housed there for long periods receiving treatment.They are an oasis of calm and contemplation,and it kept my head firmly in the right place


    As l write this , l have tears welling up remembering ALL the wonderful people that contributed to my outcome,they will be there for you----  use them---reward them, by coming through this,


                                                               l send you all the luck in the world,



  • Hi David,


    Can I just say your post has reaffirmed my stance on facing a battle with Rectal Cancer. I have an apt next week for results of scans and to discuss the next steps. I have already faced the worst outcome and anything less will be a godsend. 

    Thank you so much for sharing your own experience, it's much appreciated.


    Sending love and life to you,



  • Hello Lynne,

                      l hope your upcoming appointment provides you with positive news and points to a way forward on your journey to recovery,small steps but if you put in enough of them its surprising how far you can travel,

                             best wishes,


  • Good Morning 

    Just an update on my progress 

    The hospital have asked for me to have 3 months chemotherapy to hit it hard then reassess with scans hopefully for surgery in the not too distant future 

    I'm a little scared as couldn't have Chemotherapy before due to DPD deficiency so they are lowering the dose of 5fu initially but this is all planned for 9th September 

    I'm currently taking Vit c, Vit d, turmeric and ginger am I OK to carry on with these with pending treatment 

    Thanks in advance 


  • Hello Barry,

                     pleased to hear you have a treatment plan in place,and hope that it will have the desired effect and allow surgery to take place.

                                                    The chemo will whack your body functions and could well disrupt your ability to absorb vitamins and nutrients,so l would say you are doing the best thing in building up your bodys reaserves whilst you can.The vits are naturally occuring and your body will only take what it needs,and l can see no harm in tumeric or ginger,but if in doubt ask your medical team.l certainly took supplements especially vit B in an effort to reduce the effects of nerve ending damage from chemo, in my feet and hands sadly with limited success, but taking it done me no harm


                                          Good luck,
