recovery following throat cancer

Hi ..... a little concerned completed throat cancer treatment end April after radiotherapy and chemotherapy... I have had clear ct scan and camera down twice but my throat is still really sore and started to hurt towards my ear... has anyone else experienced this at all xx feeling scared xx

  • Hi Sue

    It might be due to the damage caused by the radiotherapy, rather than any recurrence of the cancer, which is of course always at the back of your mind. If you suspect it is cancer though do not hesitate to phone the Oncologist direct, not your GP, they will see you very quickly and check you over. This can be very reassuring when they say your OK.

    Since my treatment I have pain and aching in muscles in the area below and behind my ear and the side of my neck and throat. I do neck stretching and swallowing excercises shown to me at the ENT dept every day and this helps. Your sore throat will improve but it takes a long while, make sure to keep your mouth and throat moist all the time. I carry a water bottle with me everywhere. Bioextra gel can help at night, when dry mouth and throat are usually at the worst. Liquid paracetamol can help ease the pain. Kim

  • Thank you for those reassuring words and as you say it's always in back of mind .... I've constantly got water now and use a dry mouth spray from boots found that so much better than the gels gp prescribed... when was your treatment.... I'm at oncologist weds for camera so fingers crossed.... hopefully eating will get easier for me xxx

  • Hi Sue,  I realise that your post is 2 years ago but I am going through a similar thing.  I had a squamous cell tumour removed from my throat in February and finished 2 chemo and 33 radiotherapy treatments just over 8 weeks ago which has resulted in a stricture causing swallowing problems. I’m still having pain where the tumour was and am worried like you were or could it just be the radiotherapy treatment?  I’m just managing to eat enough to maintain my weight and am due to have a camera,  biopsies and dilatation at beginning of August. 

    I wondered how you are doing now?

    Best Wishes
