Recalled after routine mammogram

As I am typing this I am sobbing. I have been called back today after a routine mammogram 3 weeks ago. I really thought I was ok. I have talked to a Breast Care Nurse who was very nice but I just don’t know what to do. Thank you in advance of any advice. 

  • Hello there. 

    I’m guessing that because you’ve been in touch with a breast care nurse you’re concerned that the recall is because cancer is suspected? Not everything that is found is necessarily cancer but until all the tests and exams are done, no one can be sure unless of course some one has already spoken to you about your mammogram and what it shows. 

    Some one on here put it very well, it isn’t cancer until you’re told it’s cancer. Hang on, there’s a lot of us on here who have already been where you are now, we are here for to talk to, vent and also have a laugh with. Even if, worst case scenario, it is cancer, life can go on, it isn’t all doom and gloom.  

  • Hi Riley. Thank you so much for replying to me. Yes I am worried it’s cancer but I haven’t been told anything at all. I just have to go to the Breast Care Centre on Tuesday for more tests. I know I am probably overreacting but it has all come as a shock.

    I am aware that there are people worse than me and I feel guilty about that. Yes I will come back when I get the results and get as much support as I can. I am a great believer in sites like this. I wish you well and thank you again x

  • We are all here for you. Ask anything you like, whatever it is, there will be some one who has already been there and done it. 

    This is the scary bit, the not knowing. Odd as it might seem, whatever the outcome of the tests, once you know what is goimg to happen it does get easier to deal with. 

  • Yes I can understand that. Once you know what you are dealing with you can channel your energies into it. After Tuesday I will come on again with any questions. Take care x

  • Look after yourself and try to do things you enjoy for the next few days to distract yourself a little. 

  • Hi, I’m sorry that you’re feeling so worried following your recall.  This happened to me in June, after my very first mammogram. As already said, try not to imagine the worst, it could be nothing - I agree with rileyroo, the worst but is not knowing. I’m sure the BCN will have explained what to expect at the follow-up, I wasn’t prepared but ended up having another mammogram, ultrasound and VABs - this may not be the case for you, it depends why you’ve had the recall and what they can see on the follow-up mammogram. I hope this hasn’t concerned you more, but best to be prepared mentally just in case for a Tuesday, but everything crossed all is good after the mammogram. The nurses at the hospital are lovely btw.

  • Thank you so much for replying to me. I am still feeling emotional dreading Tuesday on one hand and wanting it to come quicker on the other.  I am trying to stay positive but feel guilty for causing worry to my family who have a lot on their plates without me 

    I do hope that yours had a happy ending and I will report back here on Tuesday when I know more. 

    Thank you again for your advice and support xx

  • Just wanted to wish you luck for tomorrow. The rest of the breast cancer gang will probably stop by at various points but I’ll be at work in the morning and using the site can be a bit tricky. 

  • Thank you so much for thinking of me. My appointment isn’t until 4.00 in the afternoon so I will let you know tomorrow night how I get on

    have a good day tomorrow x

  • Hello 

    I had my appointment this afternoon and had an ultrasound and a biopsy. The Doctor couldn’t feel anything but could see it on ultrasound. I now have an appointment for the results a week on Friday. We are going away on Saturday for a few days so will try and focus on that. I feel drained at the moment. 

    Thank you again x