Really Worried


Im new to this and wondered if there was anyone in there 70s worried about having bowel cancer. I've seen lots of posts from younger people but not many from the older generation.

Im in my 70s and my seemingly fit and healthy husband died suddenly in his sleep last year. I had health anxiety before but it has now gone completely through the roof! 
For the past month my bowels have changed. My BM are now nearly always loose especially in the mornings. I don't have pain as such and the colour is varying brown ( gross I know) 

I search my for blood and think I may have seen a streak but it may have been food. I am completely obsessed with my bowels!! I have mentioned it to the Dr and have done a poo test. I phoned forvresults today but they haven't come back yet. I am convinced I have cancer especially as I am older. 
Im not eating and have lost my appetite this is probably due to being frantic with worry! Can anyone young or old give me any reassurance. I would be most grateful. 

  • Hello, Your post really hit me. I know you are worried and you've lost your appetite but I am glad you went to the doctor. You mentioned you are waiting on results, is there anything you can do to keep your mind occupied whilst you wait for your results? Maybe some walks or practice some meditation that you will find on YouTube. Listen to relaxation melody's & try to calm your nerves. I am really sorry to read you lost your husband also. I can't imagine how you are feeling. I am 29 so I am sorry if I'm not able to offer more advise. I just want you to know your not alone and I feel your emotion through your post.

  • Thank you so much for your reply. It makes me feel less on my own! I know I always overthink but my husband was my world and he used to calmly talk me through my worries. I have been trying to keep busy and am ringing again on Monday to see if they have arrived. Thank you again 

  • I'm in the older age group l saw the doctor last year for frequent bowel movements and left sided pain, l had the bloods and stool tests followed by a colonoscopy that found ovarian cysts! My bowel was fine but l was sent to gynaecology oncology After another load of scans , l had ovarian surgery in October everything was really stuck together it took hours to remove. Fortunately the biopsies came back benign. 
    lve come to the conclusion that if l see the doctor with a concern l am referred to the hospital as lve also been to the breast clinic 3 times this year.
    I'm sure they take one look at our age and refer us on to the 2 week wait clinics as l have been to the colorectal, gynaecology oncology and breast clinic in 14 months. 
    Don't panic if you are referred as it's the doctors way of getting you a second opinion quickly,  rather than waiting for ages in the non urgent queues which are horrendous due to Covid. 
    take care and try to relax l know it's not easy. 


  • Thank you for your reply and do hope you are ok now. I had a poo test 8 months ago when my husband died and I had no appetite and bowel problems and that was clear. I also had an ultrasound scan on abdomen and pelvis which was also ok. I don't have pain as you did just frequent loose mushy bowel movements. Yes I think the waiting is worse as your mind (well mine does!!) goes into overdrive. Thank you again for your reply it helps. 



  • After alsorts of things l have found that sweeteners in my tea were making things worst by going back to sugar l feel better. I still have days when I would rather stay home near the loo. I've had irritable bowel problems since l was 20 and avoid caffeine,

    take care and l hope you get sorted soon the waiting gives you to much thinking time. I would avoid dr Google as they only give you the worst outcome not easy self fixes which sometimes can help you feel better. If not cured! 

  • Thank you for your reply. Yes the waiting is the worst as my mind keeps going to the worst scenario. I do have sweeteners in tea but rarely drink coffee. Coupled with the FIT result (although it was only 6) more BMs and my age feel I am doomed!!! 
    Thank you again