Really terrified

I have always suffered health anxiety and now my worst fears are coming true. I saw the GP yesterday as I have a dull ache in my tummy and have been burping a lot. She asked me if food is getting stuck and I said yes although it's not something that happens particularly often. She also a feel of my tummy. She's referred me for a scan and to a consultant to take a look. I'm particularly terrified as the appointments have already come through and it seems to be a rush. So terrified it's cancer and GP must be thinking that too. I can't function today - just lying on the sofa unable to think of anything else. I can't eat now with anxiety. 

  • Hi Sunflowersun

    Breathe in through your nose deeply then out, 

    So sorry to hear you're feeling so wretched, anxiety can feel like hell at times. People say pull yourself together but its easy for them isn't it.

    I hope you feel calmer once you get your results.

    I'm the worst for suspecting the worse scenario. So it may not be as bad as you think it is. Our anxiety can have us planning our demise.

    Let us know how it goes 
