Reactive Lymph Node in neck?

Hi, I noticed I had a lump under the left of my jawline towards the back at the beginning of June this year, the first doctor I saw gave me antibiotics to treat tonsillitis which didn’t help. I went back and explained nothing was improving, the doctor then put me on new antibiotics which treated ear, nose and throat infections and then had blood tests done and all came back fine and showed no infection. 

None of these antibiotics seemed to do anything in terms of reducing the size of this lump so again I went back to the doctors at the beginning of August who referred me to the ENT department at the hospital, I was told I’d get an FNA done and scans to rule out cancer. I have just left the hospital, no FNA was carried out, I had wire shoved up my nose and down my throat with a light on the end (not sure what this was called) which was only around 15/20 seconds long, and an ultrasound which apparently showed nothing concerning, doctor said he thinks this is a benign reactive lymph node as shape seems normal and has discharged me.

I am 22yo female, I’m a bit concerned as the FNA was not carried out which I was told I would be getting done, and also if this was a reactive node wouldn’t any signs of infection show up on the blood tests I have had done? With this going on now for almost 3 months I’m getting quite concerned about this now, I have no pain in the lump it does move around slightly which i know is considered a good sign however my ear on the same side does get very dull sometimes with slight dizziness, nothing serious, I have been fatigued but I would say this is quite normal for me. No weight loss or any other major symptoms.

Should I be worried and see my GP again or am I just over thinking? Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thank you

  • Hi Toadfish

    I am in a similar position at the moment so maybe my experience will help.

    I noticed 2 lumps a few weeks ago under my ear and chin. Went to see GP who mentioned FNA, but just to have an US for now. I have no other symptoms and reel otherwise healthy.

    I went for the US, and the Sonographer said 2 normal looking large nodes (18mm is the biggest).

    I waited for results, but then found another lump under my other ear. US results came back normal, no further tests required. Because id been googling, my mind wasn't happy with the results and my expectation were set for a biopsy.

    Because I found another lump, I demanded more tests and have had another US on the other lump. Sonographer said nothing urgent again, and I get the full results tomorrow.

    I guess you can push for further tests if you seriously feel something isn't right, but it's also worth considering whether it's anxiety making you worry despite the doctors saying you're fine.

    I know in my case, anxiety is playing it's part. I have no doubt the results will be fine tomorrow, sometimes you have to have faith in the system and have the discussion with your go about why you are still concerned so they can help you to alleviate them.

    The most important thing tho, is if you are genuinely concerned see your gp. Your health isn't worth a gamble :)