Raised CA125 tests - unusual symptoms - ultrasound booked

Hi there. I'm new to the site. I'm really anxious and nervous, and I just don't know how to cope currently. I feel like I'm in limbo. Late last year I started getting flair ups, which included indigestion and feeling sick, constipation and bad pain in my middle tummy which went over the my right hand side. It would then go back to normal, and I'd be fine. I had about 4 of these flair ups from late last year up until today. The last flair up was really intense and lasted 4 days, the same thing happened constipation, sickness, middle tummy pain and then left side pain around hip area. Last couple of days of the flair up, my stool was yellow diarreah. I went to drs and had numerous tests, and the drs suspected I had gallstones. When I was initally tested for inflammation my placelets were a little high, but my last blood tests my placelets were normal and upper abdmoninal scan came back fine. I went back to the dr, because since my last flair up, for a month I kept getting this niggling pressure pain on the right hand side of my belly button, and also pain on my upper right hand side . I also had the tinyest little bit of blood in my stool on about 4 occasions since last year. The dr decided to take another full blood count, stool sample (which came back fine) and she decided to check on my overy, just incase. Last week I had a call from my dr, and she sounded pretty serious and explained that my CA125 test came back abnormal. I was really shocked, because I just didn't even think it could be to do with my ovary, I thought it was more to do with my bowel/ gastro. Since last friday I've been unable to hardly eat, I'm losing weight mainly because I've been eating so much healthier since I was suspected gallstones, but I'm really hardly eating anything the last couple of days since my results currently cause of the stress. Last couple of days I've been having yellow diarreah again, similar to what I get at the end of the flair ups and I feel like I'm getting indigestion more often the last month, and weeing a bit more. I'm also getting pains on the bottom right, but really bad sharp pains at times on my upper right abdomen. Today I woke up and had diarreah, and I felt so nausious, and more pains especially top right abddomen, but I'm also feeling like a pressure on the right hand side of belly button that I've had since my last flair up a month ago. I don't know if it's stress that's making it all worse etc, but I'd really appreciate some advice. My Dr has sent an urgent referall for an abdominal scan the week after next, and I'm a mess. I'm so scared of what they'll find. I'm 36, and I just didn't think that ovarian cancer could strike, especially with these types of symptoms. I feel weak currently, probably because I'm not eating but I feel like every symptom I'm getting makes me feel worse, like they're going to find something bad. I am ovrweight, and I wadn't eating healthy before all this started last year, so I'm worried I haven't helped matters, but the last 1-2 months I've been eating really healthy, so I can explain the weight loss, but I just can't understand what's going on within my body. I'd be grateful if I could get a response, and anyone who's possibly been in the same kind of situation. 

  • I can completely relate, I know it's not helping but I'm struggling to each much with the stress, which seems to make my tummy worse. Yes, I have IBS too but I've never had anything like this before. Where did you develop the lump can I ask? I really hope it all goes okay for you, it's horrible cause I think if they find something in the scan, this will automatically mean it's problably cancer cause of the raised CA125 levels.

  • Yeah, that's what I'm hoping. I've been reading up about it, and it says this. I just have preying it's something less serious that they can fix. I wish you the best, it would be great to get an update to see how it all goes for you :)

  • I will do, I wish you all the best! Positive thoughts :)

  • That's great, thank you. I know it sounds silly but I didn't even ask, I didn't even know I was being tested for CA125 and didn't even know what it was, so when the dr called me it was a lot to take in and she didn't mention what it was, and I didn't ask. Do you mind me asking what yours was? I'll accept your request now :)

  • I hope you don’t mind me following this thread, I’m having symptoms and I need to book a gp appointment tomorrow. Been looking up what everyone else has experienced and it’s looking very similar to mine


    praying for the best for you both x

  • I wish you the best Joanne too, it's horrible circumtances but it helps to speak to someone going through the same kind of thing.

  • I’m really scared tbh :( I’ve got 5 kids and I’m petrified of leaving them behind. I keep getting on and off ear pain too which is strange do you get that?

  • Usually I’m really open with talking about my issues but for some reason I’m struggling to even talk to my husband about it 

    took a lot of lurking before I decided to post here even. I’m glad I did! 

  • Yeah, it's not easy is it. I find more comfort in chatting with people that are going through the same thing. Whilst it's great talking to family and freinds, it's hard because they're not going through it. I do feel for you, I've got a young daughter who's only 6, and I can't bear the thought. It's been the hardest few days. Can I ask, are you going for your first GP appt Joanne? I've been going back and forth to drs and they were a bit baffled with what I was having, so really only the CA125 has brough more to light.

  • It’s really a relief to talk to people who know what it’s feeling like! And who are having the same symptoms as I am. 


    Ive done a post on here with my full story. I’ve missed out that I’ve got really bad lower back pain too :( chiropractor has been keeping it all in check but lately it’s not doing anything. I also feel quite sick a lot and I can’t eat as much as I used to


    it's the first time I’ll be going to the gp about these symptoms. I want to educate myself more so I know what to ask and what to expect as I was fobbed off before which nearly cost me my life