Raised ca125 levels

Hi I’m here for a bit of help please

i was feeling really unwell and my doctor sent me for blood test on Monday and had a scan on Tuesday 

Wednesday I recieved a a phone call off my doctor and in half an hour I was at the doctors and my ca125 were raised and was told it may be ovarian cancer 

I was put on a 2 week wait to see the gynaecologist and got a phone call Thursday morning and was in that afternoon 

i saw the gynaecologist he did all his test and got my scan results are all clear 

I was just wondered if this means I could still get it or if it is linked to something else and why my ca125 are raised and if it can be normal to have a raised level 

  • Hi,

    Good to hear all clear scan. I have read that some women just have slightly raised level. I think there are other reasons too. I imagine your dr will go through them all.   I had blood test 2 weeks ago, raised level, panicked, got appt at hospital, turned into a nervous wreck but...yesterday had my appointment with the dr who did a check of cervix, thought I may be pregnant which I thought no way thats not possible without me knowing.. had ultrasound there and then, not pregnant but they did find a fibroid.  I was surprisingly calm.  Now Dr wants to do a hysteroscopy which is where they take a bit of womb lining. I will go in, have general anistetic 15 min procedure and then back home by afternoon. Also need a CT scan. Then drs will decide what happens next. If I am menopausal they may leave fibroid to shrink itself. Otherwise I think it will be a hysterectomy, which thinking about it seems ok as then hopefully everything will be done with and no more worries.