radiotherapy soreness and itching

Just coming to end of three weeks of radiotherapy. very sore, very red and inflamed, some blistering. Does anyone have advice on whether 1'/, hydrocortisone works and whether its ok to use? Also do antihistamines help? Im using Doublebase gel, and about to try organic aloe vera. Have been told by oncologist it will probably get worse when I finish my treatment, does anyone have experience of this? (Ive had a mastectomy and axillary clearance.) Thanks and good wishes to everyone . Tamsy





  • Hi there Tamsy

    I'm 7 months post treatment for throat cancer and had 30 doses of tomotherapy and 6 chemos over a 6 week period.

    I was ok with the tomo radiation therapy up until week 3 then my neck started to blester and peel and get very sore

    Apparently i contributed to this by lapping on e45 lotion, which was a big error. the lotions contain an an irritant...the normal e45 cream is better.

    I also had t cut down a few t-shirts as anything near my next tended to iritatate it

    If it does start to get too sore there is some great cream called flamazine. they will not give it to you whilst yu are having your radio therapy as it has silver in it and that will act on the treatment, but assoon as i had my last session i whacked it on. 

    Basically i had radiation burns across a large area of my neck and in one week using this cream it all went. I beleive they give the cream to burns victims

    I hope all goes well though

  • Thank you very much for your reply. I've just got back from the chemist and the pharmacist also told me to ask my GP for flamazine.

    I shall ask for it as soon as I can, I am so sore and any clothing rubs and irritates it. I haven't used E45 thank goodness, but have a tube, so I'm glad I haven't tried it. The pharmacist told me to put my double base cream in the fridge, I'm also going to try the Aloe Vera gel, just hope it soothes it a bit.  I have been warned it will get worse after the RT has finished, not looking forward to that at all. Thanks for your help and advice.



  • hi there

    i was told about aloe vera but never used it

    I just used e45 cream not lotion until i inished the radio therapy, then get that flamazine

    its great stuff and dont be concerned if your neck starts to go black and your finger tips too ... its goes venentually

  • Thanks for your reply I will continue with the  Flamazine. Not much improvement yet, nearly a week after finishing radiotherapy. But I was told by oncologist it would probably continue to get worse... But not everyone reacts like this, it just depends on the type of skin etc. good wishes to everyone, Tamsy



  • hi Tamsy

    You shouls start to see the effectsafter a week.`mine went allblack then recovered quickly

    I would thinkits like having a chemical peel as my wife is very envious of the lovely smooth soft slin i now have around my neck

    its amazing stuff stay with it