Radioactive Injection

Hi, I was just recently diagnosed with BC. I am scheduled for a radiaoactive injection tomorrow and I am nervous. I've read where the pain is horrible to it's just a sting. I wanted to get some information on what to expect. I'm told I will arrive for the dye injection and then I can leave and come back in 3 hours for the imaging.  My breast are still tender from the biopsy I had several weeks ago so I'm really nervous about the pain of the dye injection. Any help or information on this would be greatly appreciated. Also, any information on how long it takes to recovery from a lumpectomy. I'm scheduled for that on this Thursday and I had anticipated being back to work on Monday. Thanks

  • Hi Lynn and welcome but sorry to see why you are here. I was diagnosed with BC this time last year and had bilateral Lumpectomies and Sentinel Node Biopsies with, like you, the radioactive injections the day before.This was the bit I was really dreading but it was over in seconds and I honestly did not feel them at all! My lumpectomies were done first thing the following morning and I was ready to go home by 2.30pm. We all recover at different speeds of course but when I returned for the results 2 weeks later and mentioned that I was going back to work after that I was advised to give it at least another week. This was mainly due to having had both sides done at the same time but also due to the amount of bruising I still had at that point .Needless to say, I ignored the advice as I had been very keen to get back to my normal routine but in hindsight it was too early and I was not up to much at all to start with. Having said all that, I know of some who have bounced back straight away so listen to your body and only do as much and or as little as you feel up to. I wish you all the very best for tomorrow and Thursday and do come back and let us know how you got on once you are up to it.  Take care  Sue xx

  • Hi Sue, thank you so much! I've been going out of my mind with the diagnosis, testing and the upcoming injection and the surgery. So that makes me feel better. I've worked myself up and I'm starting to get sick physically from all of the worrying.  Thank you! And I'm glad you're doing well.

  • I remember feeling exactly as you are now, it's the fear of the unknown and all the stress you have been under for the last few weeks, all totally understandable, I was climbing the walls, almost literally! My first thought on waking up from the op though was absolute delight that the little buggers were finally gone and I hope you feel that way too on Thursday. Take care, deep breaths and it will be over before you know it. Lots of hugs  Sue xx


  • Hi Lynn, how are you doing? Bet you're glad that's all over with and you can now start to recover. Take care  Sue xx

  • Hi Sue, yes it wasn't bad at all! I just felt a pinch for the injection. I had the lumpectomy this past Thursday and I'm still sore from that. Now I'm anxiously awaiting the pathology results. Thank you for following up! 

  • Hi Lynn, great to hear from you and I'm so glad that it all went well. Try not to focus on the results date if possible, just concentrate on healing and looking after yourself for now. Take care  Sue xx