Radical hysterectomy for stage 1b1 cervical cancer

Hiya all I have got to have a radical hysterectomy to get rid of my stage 1b1 cervical cancer. 

Had appointment with doc today and got to wait 4 to 6 weeks for op and got stay in for 3 to 4 days coz they going to cut me instead of keyhole. 

Not decided about taking ovaries yet or not, it's up to me as I'm 44 nearly 45 so doesn't really matter if they do. 

Anyone else going through or been in similar circumstances? Any advice or info would be good. Xxx 

  • Hello Tubsar

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been diagnosed with cervical cancer and that you're now facing surgery to deal with this. Understandably it's a worrying time for you and hopefully, some of the women on the forum who have been through this will post to share their experiences with you soon. 

    If you'd like to chat things through with one of our nurses at any point you're most welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm. I'm sure they'll be happy to offer any advice and support they can. 

    Wishing you all the best for your surgery and recovery.
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi,

    I am sorry you are going through this. I was diagnosed with stage 2A cervical cancer 10 years ago. I wasn't able to have a hysterectomy, but did have radiation and chemotherapy.I know it is likely overwhelming for you, but try to take it one day, one appointment, one test at a time. You can get through this. Keep a notebook with you and write down any questions you have. I did that and it helped me feel somewhat "in charge". Please let me know if there any questions you want to ask. 

    Laura xx

  • Thirty years ago I had a radical hysterectomy for  the same stage and grade I was 45 at the time My ovaries were left as they were healthy and I started the menopause around 3 years later My menopausal symptoms were minimal thanks to my GP who treated me with homeopathic remedies 

    The wind was the worse problem after the op I was recommended to drink warm peppermint cordial and it was a God send as it relieved the colicky pain A lady who I met at the hospital had said to me prior to the op tell your husband keep the flowers  just bring me peppermint cordial and I was so glad I listened 

    My recovery went well I had a short walk each day gradually increasing the distance I had a nap when I felt like and listened to my body After 5 years of check ups I was discharged 

    I am now on this site has my husband after successful treatment  for bladder cancer now has a pesky patch in his ureter 

    Best wishes 


  • I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. 

    That's quite reassuring thankyou, to hear your story. Did u end up with any cysts on your ovaries? Or any other problems? I'm worried about having to have more surgery if I get problems with them. 

    I've bought some peppermint tea and other bits today for my stay in hospital and after.    Xxx

  • Two years in a small area at the top of my vagina showed cellular changes I went  into hospital in the morning and came home later that day after they were removed No further problems  No cysts or problems with my remaining  ovaries 

    Good luck with your surgery I had open surgery the scar disguised by pubic hair I did ask my consultant about shaving the area myself before admission as I had heard horror stories about blunt razors from several friends He said no problem shave the top half He also gave me a diet sheet to follow for a couple of days prior so I didn't need an enema That was long ago sure things will have changed now My preoperative assessment consisted of an xray on my tummy so the surgeon had no surprises I quote him The anaesthetist just asked if I was sound of wind and limb and that was it 

    Best wishes 


  • I've got to have open surgery too as higher risk of reaccurence from keyhole but he's not sure where he will cut yet as I do have a scar from c section 7 years ago. 

    I'm not bothered as I don't have a bikini body anyway lol. 

    I should have my pre op this week, they phoning me tomorrow to book it. 

    I have read they make u take laxative for 3 days prior and afterwards. 

    I've had mri and ct so doubt they will xray maybe just blood test and ecg I think I heard

     Thankyou. Xxx