Radical hysterectomy for cervical C, 3 months post op pains

i am 3 months post op from a radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymph node removal following a diagnosis of a tumor 1b1 for cervical cancer and awaiting my 3 month check up; although very painful in the early days of healing it all seemed to subside, however the last month or so i have been experiencing different pains; some in vagina like shooting pains, sometimes in lower abdomen and sometimes near the hips where i'm guessing is to do with the lymph node removal. i'm just wondering if this is normal and if some shooting pains means everything is starting to heal or healed almost and that's why i am feeling it more? i am less numb in those areas now or could it be something sinister is happening?.

thank you

  • Hi Lavidaesbonita
    Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been experiencing some news and different pains. These could be part of your recovery process but if you're concerned then please do give the Consultant or your GP a call. They will be best placed to advise if you need to be seen before your planned review. 

    Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator