Radiation/ Brachytherapy opinions please

Hello, my name is Chrissy, I had a stage 3 agressive cervial cancer, I had a radical hysterectomy and lymph removal on the 20th June, and thankfully all was removed, and I was given the all clear last week. I saw an oncologist who has reccommended a 5 day a week for 5 weeks radiotheraphy course, followed by brachotheraphy treatment. 

I know this is for my own benefit and wouldn't advise if I didnt need it, but the facts I have been told have made me wonder about this now and I am in a dillema,

They said there is a 3/10 chance of coming back if no treatment -- and 1.5/10  if I do have treatment, that is very low for me, also I am 50 next month and all what I have been reading is the long term damage of the blader/bowel, I would rather quality of life at this stage for me

Also - so far - my legs have not swollen from the lymph gland removal, also read that this could be long term for this treatment if affected by radiotheraphy/ brachotheraphy. 

I understand that I will be poorly whilst treatment is being given, which I can cope with, I just worry for the long term, which is making me think about this, I dont want to make a rash decision either way then regret it, at the moment I am swaying not to have it done, but really would like some more information, so I was wondering if anyone here had opinions or advice that could share please

Thankyou Chrissy 

  • I understand your dilemma, Chrissy. You've been given different options and the specialist has given his opinion. Unfortunately it will never be black and white. As you are aware, it is a question of weighing the advantages (a 15% decrease in recurrence risk, from 3/10 to 1.5/10) vs the disadvantages (risk of permanent side effects) of further treatment. Ultimately it is a decision that only you can make, based on your own personal feelings. Sorry I can't be more helpful. Harry.

  • Hello Harry, No you have been a help as I was thinking maybe I was being a bit of a drama- and for you to say your not sure either makes me think I have to think a bit harder about - so thank you for your reply. Chrissy x
  • I am so scared have stage 4 lung cancer, brain tumours and also on spine. I am awaiting biopsy 2nd one and lung function test.Everyhing moves so slowly. No dates, I am getting weaker and very frightened. Will I be put on priority list with all this going on.
  • Hi Chrissy, have just joined cancerchat and seen your post and wonder what you decided in the end.  Did you go ahead with the treatment?  I am at same stage as you having to decide and my thoughts are there us a lot of negative stories out there and not enough positive.  I just need to hear people's experiences to make up my mind.  Any advice appreciated.  Thank you. 

  • Hi, 

    I decided against it in the end as my risk of return was low, The operation had removed everything, and I had the all clear, also I thought radiotherapy had done its job. My oncoligist asked would I be happy to have a few more radiotherapys instead which I agreed (33 in total) 

    As I was told when I asked, it is only a decision you can make yourself, I personally think I made the right decision, as does my family. 

    I hope what you decide is right for you

    Let me know how you get on :-) 

    Chrissy x


  • Hi Chrissy, thanks so much for your reply.  Well done you.  33 radiotherapies is a lot.  Did you have any side effects short or long term?  Thank you.

  • Hi,

    I generally do not drink a lot of liquids so more times than not I had to leave the scanner table to drink more( to push my bowel to one side) and I think it might have "caught the rays" a bit and now my bowel is very sensitive and I can careful what I eat now, have to be near a toilet. Mainly stick to white food (bread rice pasta) small price to pay to be alive. Been told this will probably be the norm now which I am adapting too (2 years on) so long term effects there but no short term side effects that I can remember

    I'm sure if this blip had not happened there would have been no problems at all, seeing radiotheraphy is painless and takes 5 minutes.


  • Agreed! Thank you so much. Take care of yourself.