Purpose of MRI before biopsy

Hi everyone,

I'm not sure if anyone can tell me the answer or not but thought I would ask just in case.

I found a immovable breast lump back in may, it was checked over and not immediately suspicious but I was told to come back after my period if it was still there.

It stayed and got larger, at this point I'll admit I buried my head in the and which was stupid. By September I went back to my doctor who referred me to a consultant. The consultant checked me over a week later and sent me for an ultrasound.

The lump was possible fibroadenoma and found 3 other smaller ones. They said the radiologist would check and confirm.

I expected a biopsy and received a letter informing me I would have biopsies but that first I will need an MRI, no mention of purpose. Does anyone know the reason for this? 
thank you in advance, trying not to worry before I've been given anything to worry about!

  • Hi shanootoo,

    I am sorry to hear that you have to have an MRI now. I am not a doctor, but I suspect that this is abetter way to identify exactly where your lumps are and whether or not there are any more. If this is the case the MRI will help to pinpoint any suspect areas which need to be biopsied. This should ensure that nothing is missed. 

    This all sounds good, especially if they suspect fibroadenoma, which are benign lesions.Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Hoping for good news.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx