PSA count data

My Dad is currently fighting prostate cancer. He is having regular fortnightly PSA tests. We would like to know if there is anywhere to find data on what other people's PSA levels do. His goes up and down and we are after more information about what is 'normal'.
  • Hi there,
    I am sorry to see the reason you have joined this forum of truly caring people.
    Welcome, unfortunately I am not able to assist, however we have a few people who when they log on will be more than willing to help with your enquiries.
    Take care

  • Hi katdolman,   Normal PSA depends on age, slightly higher the older you are.  Prostate cancer raises the PSA which can be below ten  or in the thousands at diagnosis.   Treatment responce is measured by the reduction of PSA at what ever level it started.  PSA can also be effected by infection.

    Note I'm not a medical person but a sicnificant other diagnosised  6 years ago. He was very lucky to be caught early and had the option to have the gland removed. Most people are diagnosised much later and the cancer is attacked and treated by other means which is often sucessfully for many, many years.  I'am sure others will reply and back this up.

    Its hard being the other half, I went into overdrive wanting to know the how and whys and what ifs, and found site very useful, especially in the early days.

    I do hope your Dad's treatment goes well, take care, gardenlady.     (sorry about spelling!)


  • Hi Katdolman,

    Garden lady is as usual spot on. You dont say what treatment your dad is recieving, I take it he is on hormone therapy. Luckily mine started high at 70 but came down rapidly and ended up at 0.01. since then it has increased slowly just as my oncologist said it would. Take care sending best wishes and kind thought to you and your dad, Brian