Prostate cancer Totally confused anyone been there?

Hello everyone,

I have been following the posts on this forum for over a year and find everyone to be so helpful, honest and extremely courageous given yoursituations.

Over a year ago I was referred to the urologist with a psa of 22.4, dre was enlarged but smooth. Had MRI, bone scan and 18 core biopsy all were clear (apart from a suspicious area showing on scan). This was followed with a CT scan and a second targetted, 13 core biopsy. Again no positive cores and no pin.

The urologist then removed me from the cancer pathway, so we assumed all was ok. However moving forward a few months to the next psa test and result was 37.4. Had another Mri.  Prostate is large at 90cc No change in suspicious area. Suspicious area is peripheral zone possibly PI-RADS 4.

MDT  meeting now want a template biopsy and a second bone scan.

Worried that rapid increase in psa over a short time is indicative of spread. Have seen here on this blog and others where psa levels can be high due to other causes but such a rapid rise is causing some concern.

Just totally confused at present and more than a little concerned.

Thanks in advance for any comments

  • Hi rabjohn, have you seen results of scan scans or heard of a" gleason "score these give a better idea of what's going on your lower score should have been enough for an oncologist to see you people on here with psa of 10 get treated hope something gets sorted soon. Good luck.. Billy 

  • Hi Billygoat, good to hear from you as I have been a keen follower of your posts for a while now. I have not seen the results of my scans as yet. I do understand the Gleason Score as I have done a great deal of research since fist psa of 22.4 in April 2018. 18 core biopsy shown no pin neither did targeted biopsy (13cores), so no Gleason Score as yet. Perhaps perenium biopsy will find something! Hopefully not >7 or 8.

    Thanks again for your reply.


  • Hi it seams strange to have a follower have you looked at woodworm and telemando as well it should give you ideas hopefully good ones, 


  • Hi Rabjohn,

    When I was diagnosed my psa was 70 but after being put on hormone therapy it came town to 3.18 iquite quickly. I then had radiotherapy and the hormone treatment continued for two years.

    I hope you results are good when you get them 

    Regards, Brian



  • Hi Billygoat. 

    Yes I have extensively read both woodworm 's and telemando's posts. In fact just had a reply from woodworm . They both seem to have a great deal of experience and knowledge. Thanks for the tip.


  • Hi Brian

    Thanks for your speedy reply and your info. At this stage I am eager to hear the experiences of as many folk as possible. I must confess to having followed your posts for a long while now, I think since my first psa of 21!

    I hope your psa stays low, will keep everyone here informed of results/ treatment/ progress etc. 

    Many thanks



  • Hi thanks for keeping in touch but i don't think the way my cancer is, will help you unless it goes up alot Good luck


  • Hi Rabjohn.  Welcome to the forum.

    What you've got here is a mystery.  Your PSA is rising, and there's a suspicious area in your prostate scan, but all biopsies have come up negative.  The template biopsy is the next logical step. There's a gentleman in my prostate group whose template biopsy eventually confirmed cancer.  He had the surgery a few years ago and is doing well. 

    I do have a vague recollection of reading a story some 10 years ago about a man who had rising PSA but all biopsies were negative. If I recall correctly, the patient's cancer was found not to be in the prostate itself, but in one of the seminal vesicles.  These are like storage tanks for the seminal fluid made by the prostate. Primary cancer in a seminal vesicle is, I believe, quite unusual.

    Of course imaging technology has moved on considerably in the last 10 years, and I would expect that the scans you've already had would eliminate this possibility, but there's no harm asking anyway.  

    Incidentally, because no positive samples have been found, you don't have a Gleason score.  Gleason scores can only be established by looking at cancer cells, and no one has found any yet. 

  • Hi telemando,

    Thanks for the info. Will ask to see the scans and hopefully get some kind of explanation. I'm afraid they don't seem too forthcoming at my hospital. Will have to be more forthright. Have been following your "chats" for some time now and always found them very re-assuring.  I too have read about very high psa readings and no cancer found . Also that transperenial biopsies pick up 35 - 50% of missed targeted biopsies. Once again many thanks for getting in touch.

    Will keep everyone here informed of progress as I find talking to folk on here very helpful.

    Hope all goes well following your latest op and biopsy.

    Cheers Richard


  • Hi everyone,

    Just a quick update. Had template biopsy Friday. Very little pain and only a little blood in pee. Surprised consultant took only 24 cores, (90cc prostate), thought there be a few more to make sure. Anyone any thoughts?

    Another bone scan Tuesday. Then the infernal wait for results.

    Cheers Rabjohn (Richard).