Prostate cancer aged 40

Hi All, I am a male aged 40 and two weeks ago I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I have been ill due to 3 infections after my biopsies. I am not seeing my urologist specialist until the 7th September. I have had an MRI as well but not a CT scan, should I have had a CT scan as well? Any help and advice would be gratefully received

  • Paul,


    I am sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with cancer so young, I am 72 and diagnosed in April this year, my prostate had grown inward and outwards and it was gripping my Uretha stopping me from urinating.

    I had a turp and a bisopsy, I never got infected but people do, you don't say what triggered you to go for the tests in the begining , the MRI test and a bone scan is all you need, my cancer has broken out of the prostate and gone into my stomace lymth nodes, two on the right and one on the left.

    I am now on hormone treatment and my PSA has gone from 26 down to 1.3 which sounds good buy from what I have read the cancer can start to grow again after two years. They wont take my prostate out the main man says it would do more harm than good, after all 72 is not bad but everybodys  cancer is different I think its like fingerprints.

    I think your MRI scan will tell them all they want to know but the waiting must be hell on earth, they say be posative but its hard even at 72. 

    Lets hope that your outcome is good and they caught it early, this is an old man problem I am sure you will be OK.

    Good luck and best wishes  Tony

  • Hi Tony, thanks for your reply. The reason for me going to doctors was my wife as I have been having problems with urinating for a while now. My psa was only 3.5 but after my doctor felt it she referred straight away to the consultant and after he felt it he referred me for an MRI on my prostate, a flow test and a TRUS and biopsy. My PSA had come down to 3.4 but after reading people having it so high yet mine was only 3.5 yet still had cancer it confuses me. Seems quite rare to get prostate cancer quite young and the statistics for an infection after was extremely low but I have been admitted twice over the last couple of weeks. Really is a pain and still on antibiotics now, 4 weeks later. I see my consultant next week, 3 weeks after I was told as he is on holiday, the waiting is terrible but like my dad used to say 'there is always someone worse off then you', that has always stuck in my mind