Prostate Cancer

Hi My dad was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer about 6 months ago and sadly it is advanced and has spread to his bones.  He has been responding well to the hormone injections and his PSA levels went from over 400 to 26.  This week we discovered they have risen to 41.   The issue is that he was supposed to have a TURP today so that he can urinate on his own without a catheter but the op was cancelled and then his consultant went over the risks of the op and how my Dad is worried this procedure may accelerate the cancer......any advice would help?  Is a rise of 15 significant?  We really don't know.   Is there a chance at his next check it will go down? He is worried that if the injections are no longer keeping the PSA levels low he might have to face chemo...

  • Hi there , I'm so sorry to hear your news .my partner of 9 months has prostate cancer he had surgery 3 weeks ago .you don't say how old your Dad is ? Has he spoken with any specialists re other options? I can understand how you feel it's very hard to take at times..stay strong xx