Prostate cancer

Hiya.... Looking for some advice my dad got told 4 and half years ago my dad had prostate cancer he had about 4 lots of radio therapy...which traveled to his spine with the spine cord compression  And lived a normal but painful life up until Jan 2019 when we went to to see the consultant who told us there was nothing more he could do and no more treatment for him only to make sure he lives the life u got comfortable.... Clearly it broke my heart all we do now is take every day as it comes

In May this year 2019 he went to hospital day care for a check up and he said he couldn't control the pain he was getting in his back so admitted him on the ward which he stayed for 2 months and the pain seemed to be controlled a little bit better so we decided to put him closer to us in a nursing home where he is now........

But every day he seems to be getting worse can hardly talk and get out ov bed he's got pressure blisters and he's not getting out ov bed needing a catheter all the time hardly eating and drinking... Very confused and hallucinations more and more but I managed to get a small jelly pot down him today feeling happy he managed to eat something sleeping more and more but recently noticed very big bruising on his skin they are everywhere very concerned and today went to see him and his eye is very blood shot and noticed he had a bruise by his eye aswell.....   Nurse in care home was concerned 2 but out ov doc said to keep on eye on things and see how it goes.... But I'm taking every day as it comes but getting more and more worried each day as these new things appear keep on thinking my phone will ring to tell me he has passed away and always on pins


Can anyone help as I'm worried sick

Sorry about the long post just in need ov advice thanks 

  • Hi

    So sorry to hear your sad news , Youll be on pins for a while , I was and you’ll just need to accept it unfortunately, Your emotions will hit peaks and troughs from hour to hour day to day . It’s a journey none of us should go through . Take comfort that your helping your Dad , maybe try more treats like soft ice cream , rice puddings , trifles , full fat yogurts - take meaty soups to him in a flask but put them through a blender etc - also ses if you can get a water bottle that has a tube attached , it’s like a straw so he can sip away at fluids , you find them on medical type web sites . Your main aim is to keep Dad comfortable and keep yourself from a melt down , cry when you need to cry , scream when you need to scream as it all helps . Tell Dad what you’ve been doing , how the rest of the family are , your plans for the house - anything just make conversation even if Dads asleep . 

    When the time comes accept it , we don’t like what is going on but remember Dad is no longer in the state that worries you so much . 

    Take care and keep strong .




  • Thanks very much for your reply he is in hospital now with a lot ov issues the circulationisint going round the brain properly and he's got gallstones on top ov the cancer.... He's no longer able to talk properly but can hear which is good.... And also on top ov everything his kidneys are not working properly.. All very sad at mo just taking day by day at min hes on a fluid drip antibiotic drip he's got an infection but he can't fight the infection as he's to weak but all we can do it take one day at a time... Thanks once again

  • Hi Caz

    He's in the right place , he’s got 24 hr support - spend as much time with him as you can , see if someone else can share spending time with Dad so he has family during most of the day and into the night . Thinking of you at this difficult time .

