prolapsed uterus

I have bladder cancer got a useless GP getting no help at all.

I live alone I cannot get out at all.

I have had a prolapsed womb for many years but last week it fell out of my vigina I pushed it back in but it keeps falling out very uncomfortable.

On calling GP I was told to buy a pessary to hold it back in,at the cost of £29 bought one on the net but cannot get it in as uterus just won't go back far enough.

I am not having treatment for my bladder cancer (I refused it)

I was refered to McMillan nurse but getting no help with that just told to contact GP.

My GP uses a paramedic for home calls but he/she never turns up.

Any help/advice would be welcome

Best wishes to all x

  • Hi there ...

    Just because you refused treatment , should never mean they don't do more ..I refused radiotherapy and my surgeon couldn't be more helpfull... and supportive ... 

    It may mean you'll need a little op to sort it out .. I'm only guessing .. but you can't go on like that ...I dreaded my masectomy.. but looking back was the best thing for me .. and so glad I did ... 

    I'm sorry McMillan couldn't help ... if your on your own it must be even more scary ... I hope you get more advice on here ... take care Chrissie x