Post surgery care

My mother in law is having lymph nodes from her neck removed (stage 3 skin cancer) on Saturday coming. 

Any advice for what she might want afterwards? Anyone been through smt similar and know what she might like - food etc. 


Thanks in advance

  • Hi Chris,

    It's great that you are thinking ahead to what will help your mil recover after surgery.

    Removal of lymph nodes in the neck shouldn't adversely affect her being able to eat normal food as it doesn't impact on the throat & swallowing usually - it will depend on what depth they go to when removing them (some nodes are nearer the skin's surface than others). It should hopefully not affect her appetite either so I would wait until she has her op & then ask her what she feels able/wants to eat when she gets home. My nodal dissection was in the groin so was completely different but I found I healed quicker by having a daily Vitamin C rich smoothie which promotes faster healing.

    Any pain she may have (not everyone has much post op pain) can be helped with paracetamol & ibuprofen (they may send some home with her). She may suffer from numbness in her neck - this is because the nerves are severed to get to the nodes. Most nerves recover but some patients have a lifelong small amount of numbness. The thing to watch out for is any redness & heat in the surgical area as this may be an infection (cellulitis) and needs antibiotics prescribing asap.

    I will send you a friend request - if you accept it I can then send you a private message with a little more information that will help you care for your mil. I hope her surgery goes well and the results bring good news,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)

  • Hi Angie,

    thanks so much for taking the time to reply. If I'm honest I'm a bit out of my depth - my wife is a bit all move the place and I'm trying to be as practical as I can. Any advice/help is greatly appreciated