Post operative radiotherapy concerns


I’m now just under 9 weeks post operative recovery from a radical vulval excision and lymph nodes removed from one side of my groin after being diagnosed with vulval cancer. Mine was a direct result of having lichen sclerosis. 

In the new year I’ll be starting 5 weeks of radiotherapy. I’m really quite worried about the effects and the longer-term implications, particularly for my sexual relationship  with my husband. I’m 54, had been through the menopause and am not feeling massively sexy but... I don’t want to feel like this is it! The radiotherapy apparently shortens and narrows the vagina and makes sex (which frankly for me is already often painful) more painful. 

Im also really quite worried about the state of my skin and how sore I’ll be. 

Ive still got some soreness after the operation and a lot of numbness and I’d be really super grateful to hear from anyone who has had the same operation and could share their experiences. 

Thank you to anyone who responds. 

  • Hi Tink29 and welcome to Cancer Chat.

    I'm sorry about the worries that are currently playing on your mind. Do be sure to speak to your medical team about this as they will be in the best position to answer your questions and hopefully put your mind at ease. 

    Our cancer nurses are just a phone call away if you'd like to talk this through with them as well. The number to call is 0808 800 4040 and phone lines are open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m (except christmas eve/day, boxing day and new year's day).

    [@Cfer]‍ ‍and [@Hevs]‍ have been in similar situations so fingers crossed they'll pop by when they can to have a chat now that I've mentioned them in this post.

    I hope your recovery from the excision is going well and I want to wish you all the best for your radiotherapy in the new year.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator