Post-Menopausal Bleeding & Pain??

Hi all.

My mum is 54 and has suddenly started bleeding very heavily. She went through menopause around 18months ago so doesn't have periods. She has been on a similar form of HRT called Tibolone for around a year now due to suffering quite badly with the symptoms of menopause (particularly hot flushes, night sweats & sudden depression). 

My Mum has been struggling with lower back pain for a few months now, which has been getting worse, and this week she suddenly started bleeding heavily. She called the doctor and asked for a routine appt for two weeks time (as she doesn't like to "make a fuss" !!) who said no you have to come today. The doctor examined her and couldn't feel any lumps or swelling inside which leads him to think it is coming from higher up. What could this mean? She is obviously very worried. The doctor requested an urgent scan which is taking place on Monday 13/7.....


Does anyone know if this will be an external or internal scan? Anyone know if her symptoms match those of fibroids? Or could it be a side effect of the Tibolone? Am trying to think of anything but the dread C word! Thank you for reading and hoping someone can help.

Butterfly xoxo