Post lumpectomy follow up tomorrow Anxiety in overdrive

I have been really good the last couple of weeks trying not to think about the next step.  Tomorrow I see my surgeon for my follow up and suddenly today I have become really anxious, part of me thinks its because when I got my initial diagnosis I really did not think I had breast cancer, now that I know I have it plays on my mind an awful lot.  I am not 100% myself these days and wonder if I will ever be.  I try not to stress out my friends and family but at the moment it is the only thing I seem to want to talk about.

  • I guess stay positive my sweets, I'm scheduled for Lumpectomy 18th December. Lets check in later ! Ive just posted my story under RuthieH17. Recently diagnosed, it's just a freakin Blip !!!!!! x

  • hi I know how you're feeling I've been the same and now come through the anxiety phase of this diagnosis everything is thrown at you in such a short time hard to digest I know the shock of it is horrendous but trust me things will settle down your brain and body will apcept and adjust to a new way of thinking I'm pretty calm now I have a treatment plan and feeling strong and confident and I do believe you ladies will too I'm on the final treatment journey with radiation therapy and hormone blockers to reduce risk of reoccurrence.

    good luck xx marie 

  • Hi RuthieH17

    I have the same as you Grade 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, also hormone positive and HER2 positive.  I always say I am a positive person....apparently right down to my cancer!  Been to the surgeon this morning for check up and results of surgery, I have clear margins and clear nodes, he was very happy with my results. I see oncology tomorrow for treatment plan which is good at least I will know what the future holds a bit more.  Everything has happened really quickly so it takes time to digest still.  Good luck on the 18th, let me know how it goes. xxx

  • Hi SonsH


    Thank you for your kind wishes.  Great news regarding your follow up results, my MRI did not detect any spread either so fingers crossed my outcome will be as good as yours in the New Year. Biopsy tests proved mine to be hormonal with negative on HER2.

    All we can do is stay positive and well informed, knowledge and understanding of the disease has certainly helped me in dealing with it all pragmatically.  A good sense of humour helps too, especially when I think back to my drive home from hospital sporting the most ugly snotty blubber cry. Sleeves really are useful !! ;-)..

    I have found all the nurses, radiologist and surgeon to be super supportive and keen to provide as much information as they can when asked.

    So far the only torturous aspect was my MRI, not just having to lay still for 40 minutes in what can only be described as a spluttering, siren wailing tin can, but being subjected to the soundtrack of "bloody" Bridget Jones for the duration.

    I've been informed I will be injected with blue dye just before surgery which has been known to turn your skin blue for a period of time. I say Avatar, my fiance says Smurf.... charming !!!!!

    Looking forward to getting it out and pushing forward with whatever my treatment plan will be. Of course as I will be recouperating over Christmas, I do get full control of the movie pick plus have registered the fact that I will be far too fragile to scrub those pesky Christmas dinner roasting pans ;-)...

    Love a good silver lining !!!

    Here to chat anytime my lovely xxxx

  • Hi MB01

    Thank you !

    I honestly believe the hardest aspect of my treatment will be 5 years of pill popping, never take anything if I can help it. Only ever had antibiotics 25 years flashes have already begun to hit me, god damn hormones !!!

    Going to invest in a bountiful wine cellar.

    All the best with everything my lovely and like I said to SonsH, here to chat anytime. I will part with a wee joke..... "What did the fish say when he swam into a wall....??"


