Possible Lymphoma?

Hi. I am a 20 year old female from the East of England. :)

A few years ago, I was very sick with flu. I was to poorly to the point I fainted and hit my head badly. My doctor told me I had a viral infection. 

When I was better, I was sitting in class and noticed an ache in my neck. I felt it, as you do and was horrified to find a hard, smooth lump. 

I obsessed over said lump for a while until I decided to go to the doctor. They were not concerned because of my age at the time. They told me it was probably infection and gave me antibiotics. If it had not gone down after the course, to come back. 

Guess what, it didn't go down and in fact I'd found more nodes in my armpits. 

I went back. This time, they were apparently swollen due to shaving and I needed to 'stop being a hypochondriac ' because nothing was wrong. 

I gave up. Stopped thinking about the nodes. 

However, one night I was out drinking. I felt a horrible pain/ache in my armpits and neck where the lymph nodes are. I also broke out in the worst itchy skin I had ever experienced. 

I also began having night sweats. I'm not sure if you'd call them severe but my hair would be soaked as well as my sheets and pjs. 

I have a persistent, annoying cough that won't go away and can often have nasty coughing 'fits'. 

Other than that, I'm constantly exhausted. I can have 13hrs of sleep and still wake up feeling like I need more. I have to have a nap after doing any sort of daily activity. It's horrible. 

Anyway,  few weeks ago, I find myself back at the doctors for something unrelated. She feels my neck. Finds the lymph nodes. Asks me about them. Refers me for blood tests and ultrasound.  Blood tests came back as no further action required. U/S isn't until April. 

I feel ok. I'm more relieved I will finally have an answer as to what's going on with my body. 

I guess I'm posting here to vent but to also hear anyone else's experience/situation. 

Any information you can give me would be great. 

Any reassuring words and positive thoughts would also be appreciated. 

Thank you everyone xxx

  • Hello vinylfan 262; welcome to the forum.  Sorry you have had a rough time; I know what you mean by night sweats - when I contracted pulmonary tuberculosis (some time ago now; when I was younger - much younger - I lived in India for a while and spent my time travelling around parts of Asia) I used to wrap myself in towels and had to change them during the night.  Fortunately I was treated in a UK hospital - unlike the poor people in India - and recovered well. 

    I cannot believe how rude medical staff can be sometimes - not that my surgery is rude in the way you describe - but we often hear similar tales to yours.  It is not so long now until you finally get the testing you need - as you say you will hopefully get some answers.  It is always better to know.  Do come back and let us know when you have had your ultrasound and in the meantime I hope you are not feeling too bad.  Best wishes.  Annie

  • Hi Annie. 


    Thank you for your reply. It means a lot. I don't talk about this often with anyone as I hate to feel as though I'm attention seeking! 

    I feel okay in myself mostly. I just get on with life :D 

    I will be sure to keep you updated as I know more. 

    Kind regards and best wishes x

  • Hi vinlyfan,

    About 6 weeks ago now I found a lump in my neck and left it a while and went to the doctors and I got refered for a blood test which came back normal other than very slightly high inflamation levels, docotor said they were nothing to worry about, I then went back asking what to do next and the doctor refered me for a scan, however when I got my appointment it was to see ENT depearmtnet and saw a lovely doctor who examined me and I had a camera up my nose (horrible expeirence) and then I got refered for an ultrasound scan and I had that last tuesday and they did a biopsy there and then! I was shcoked as from what i have read all this usually takes longer than a week! Anyway today is 10 days after my biopsy and just waiting for the results, docotor told me up to 2 weeks, so I'm just waiting which is driving me craxy! I'm a 20 year old student from Yorkshire, currently studying at uni in Shropshire. I hope this information helps you in any way, like yourself I am also very tired at the moment I sleep for ages and wake up thinking I need to go to bed again! But I presumed that was just Uni stress!

    Hope this helps!

    Georgina xx

  • Hiya,

    i am going through the exact same thing at the moment. Experiencing so much stress and anxiety over it all. I’ve had a chest x Ray which was clear, my blood counts were slightly raised and I started with one lymph up ages ago and now I have about four in my collarbone/ neck area. I’ve been referred to haematology and ent and I’m having to have a biopsy. Scared isn’t even the word! At least your bloods were good and I’m sure your ultra sound will be ok x

  • Hi Georgina 


    Knowing someone the same age is going through the same thing as me is actually really comforting, although of course I don't wish ill health on you!

    The fact that you had a biopsy at the ultrasound is scary. I wonder if it'll be the same for me. 

    Few questions: how big aprox. is your swollen node and where abouts in the neck is it?

    How does the node feel when you touch it? 

    Sorry you are having to go through this. I really hope everything comes back clear for you. Xxx

  • Hi Megan

    Sorry to hear you're going through this.

    I'm sure everything will be fine. Biopsy is one of my fears but we can get through whatever it takes to get some answers. 

    Bless you. X