Please help us with plan B



After a series of botched tests, rapid weight loss and refusing to be removed from the local hospital, our 71 year old Dad was finally diagnosed with junctional esophical cancer.  They passed him around various consultants and hospitals, we have finally ended up with quite a good consultant, I think.  He has just had his first cycle of gold standard chemo, and now it would seem they are ready to write him off.  We are angry and upset after repeated delays and the endless waiting for tests and results, they have now said hospice this and maybe an uncomfortable stent at most.  He has continued to lose weight, has a fear of eating and is surviving on Ensures alone (he can just about get down him)

My question is, he still has fight in him to live, we still want to fight for him, the NHS are making noises that  they are giving up?

What can we do? Is there another form of chemo that might work?  Immunotherapy trials?

We would welcome your experience and any suggestions of what we can try next? 

  • I'm really sorry to hear about your dad's diagnosis and for the reason you are posting stomachhelp.

    I just wanted to stop by and recommend giving our cancer nurses a call about other possible treatment options as they will be in the best position to advise on this. Their freephone number is 0808 800 4040 and are available Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. You can make a new post about this in the ask the nurses section of the forum as well if you like and our nurses can respond to you there.

    Best wishes to you both,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator