PICC Line or Hickman Line?

I've had a 2 Lumen PICC line for around 6 months now and the doctors want to put a 3 way lumen PICC in but the team at the macmillan centre failed to do so as my veins just constrict when they try and put the wire in! I haven't ever had a hickman line but the PICC team told me to suggest it to my cancer team? What is it like having a hickman line? is it harder to shower with a hickman line, is it easier to have hickman or PICC. Ive had 3 months of treatment already and have 5/6 months left so i am going to have to have it for a while. 

  • I had hickman line put in had it in for about month makes it easier when they are takening blood or given you drugs or fluids thst you need no injections got to be a good thing when you first have it quite painful  but it does saves having needles all the time  what's the saying (sharp scratch)  you can have a shower you can even have a bath  so long as you don't  submerge the line in the bath shower proof dressing  on the main part they change anyway every other day when I was in hospital  yo yo hope this helps yo yo 

  • I had a picc line put in and regret it massively. The nurse has caught  or bruised the nerve in my arm and now my right arm wont work properly, i have movement but cant raise my arm at all.Not sure if this is tempory or permanent. Im so depressed about it.