Picc line

Hi all. I know its probably the least of most of our worries. But do you ever get used to the picc line being in? Mines been in since Xmas eve and apart from the first week it doesn't hurt or irritate me but I just cant get used to the 'feeling' of it being there. Will i ever 'get used' to it?

  • Hi. Just looking for some advice on picc line. I am newly diagnosed and seeing my oncologist next week so I know having a picc line fitted isn’t going to be that far away, I am terrified of having this done. How did you cope was it ok? Xx 

  • thank you for your reply, I am very anxious to get treatment started even before I have been to fertility clinic now but that’s the one that’s terrifying me x

  • Hi. Dont worry. The procedure for me was painless, a little weird but painless. It's more the annoyance of the thing for me. Like much else that has happened to me in the last 4 months the thought and anticipation upto an event is always worse than the actual procedure.


  • Have you purchased any covers for it? I am thinking about getting some to stop me catching it etc xx

  • Yes I bought a fancy leopard print one online from picc-me. Much more comfi than the tubi grip they gave me at first. 

  • Thank you for telling me about picc-me I have been looking at where I can get some from xx 

  • Hi Lucy

    i was terrified about having mine fitted too, worked myself into a right palava about it, I got my doctor to prescribe lorazepam which made me really chilled on the day and got rid of the butterflies, I also used it each chemo day to take the edge of. Anyway the picc fitting was absolutely nothing, was over so quickly and I didn’t feel anything. During chemo I was relieved to have it, all the blood tests I had involved no needles... huge bonus to me. 

    I worked myself up again having it removed and sat there bracing myself while she removed the dressing, was quite surprised when she said she was done, I thought she’d only removed the plasters. 

    You soon get used to it, I appreciated having it but hated to see it every day. I’ll be having another fitted in 8 weeks, I’ll probably still take the lorazepam but that’s more to calm the anxiety about the whole thing rather than pain or discomfort.

    good luck x

  • Thank you so much for for your reassuring reply I think I may visit my doctor and ask for this to be prescribed to me to help me with the picc line. I have watched videos of it being done and it’s not as bad as I was thinking x 

  • I've just been researching what will hopefully be my options as I'm definitely going to need something fixed in place for my next lot of chemo.  I was thinking I'd struggle with a PICC line, I'm just not ladylike and dainty enough to care that something is attached to me that I can't bang off of things :D

    Did you have the option of a power-port (that's what the radiologists call it, not sure if it has other names)?  It's inserted completely under your skin.  I'm looking into both options but wonder if there's a reason why a PICC line might be preferred over something completely internal.

    You might not know but if you have any thoughts stemming from any discussion you had with your oncologist they'd be welcome.  I see my oncologist on Monday for MRI results and, presumably, to discuss starting a year of chemo as urgently as they can get it organised, so might not have much time to make decisions.

    Thanks for reading,
