Petrified and confused

Hi everyone, I am a little confused but very much scared. My mom has been told she has Lung cancer. She has fluid on her lungs which they took a sample of and I am guessing they have found it from that sample. They are now going to do a biopsy, but I thought a biopsy was done to confirm the cancer. Does anyone know? I dont understand how they have told her she has it without the biopsy being done yet. I've never felt so distraught and sick in all my life and I am petrified of the results. My mom isn't seeing my fear, I remain positive around her but my gosh I am beside myself with fear. I'm scared to find out how far this has spread, I'm scared of it all and im scared for my mom. I really dont even know where to begin with all this, it's just not sinking in at all. I never thought I'd be picking up cancer support books in a hospital, only today I found myself doing this. Thanks for reading xx 

  • Hiya there xx 

    So sorry you find yourself here. A diagnosis like this really shakes things up xxx 

    I have a similar parent was diagnosed with lung cancer and cells were found in the large amount of fluid that had accumulated in both lungs xx 

    I'm not too sure of the ins and outs (like you...I was trying to deal with the shock) but...after the biopsy had taken place, we then able to find out type of lung cancer it was (NSCLC) xx 

    These days, there are some amazing treatments for lung cancer that sadly weren't around for us so you can still have hope xxx 

    It's just so unfair, I know. I remember watching everyone just go about their normal business and can you all just do that when we're going through cancer?! 

    It's great to come here (have used this site a fair bit for shakey moments over the years) so please do come back any time xx 

  • Thank you for replying to me. I dont think I've ever had to deal with something as hard as this and I feel guilty even being scared because I just think, it's my mom who has been diagnosed, I need to be brave, i cant even begin to imagine how scared she must feel. You go through so many emotions, u am so confused yet so numb right now. 

    What treatment did your parent undergo? Even the thought of all this frightens me. It's such a long path, one I dont want to go down. Thank you for listening xx

  • Hello there 

    I remember thinking the I'd been through some stuff in my life, like most people have...but nothing could prepare me for that xxx 

    And don't feel guilty, please. Because cancer doesn't just affect the person with affects everyone. It is only natural for you to feel scared....because it is bloody scary. The unknown. I was the same...on auto pilot, shocked, petrified, weepy, numb...every emotion possible in a space of only a few minutes at a time xx our case...treatment wasn't an option because my parent passed (not directly from lung cancer...but from a random/rare  complication of it) before treatment could begin xxx 

    As I say, these days there are some amazing treatments for lung cancer and you see people on here all the time, going through chemo and other treatments and they're doing great xx also, we were told that there would likely be side effects from the chemo but that these could be controlled by the intervention of other drugs xx so...treatments can be hard - yes...but certainly doable xxx 

    I used to say...."when you were diagnosed with cancer...we all were...and we are in this together" and that had quite a calming and comforting effect xxx 

    Needing to be brave may put quite a lot of pressure on yourself xx so...don't be afraid of not being brave xx

    You certainly can be yourself here and nobody will judge you. I do hope some other posters can pop by too with their support and experiences xx