Periods and tamoxifen

So been on tamoxifen since end of feb and after one period, they stopped altogether. Have had pain in breast & armpit which eas waking me up - ends up its an infection. To top it off i got my period after 6 months. Read alot of conflicting blogs and papers online on whether this is normal? Has anyone had same?

  • Hello Jbains,

    I'm sorry to hear you have been feeling rather poorly lately. 

    I can appreciate why you're a bit confused about the information you have been reading online, there's so much information out there these days that it becomes really difficult to tell what makes sense from what doesn't, don't you think?

    Have you tried contacting your medical team about your concerns?

    If you feel like talking to our cancer nurses and asking for their opinion, you can reach them by ringing this number 0808 800 4040,  Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

    I hope you get some answers soon, Jbains. 

    Best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Renata. Thx - have called cancer nurse & referred to gynae.
  • Have scan on mon and appt with consultant on 24th. Am a little scared something else will now be found as have over last 3 months been having dull achy pain in groin and hip. When will this all stop? Swelling and pain in breast are hard enough at times. Just want to feel like myself again.