Period Day 2 Endometrial Lining 8mm


I'm 37 with 4 children under the age of 11. I've been having irregular bleeding since 2020 and was referred for a trans Vaginal scan which I had today. 

I heard the sonographer say that my endometrial lining was 8mm on day 2 of my period and she made it very clear that I must book a face to face appointment with my GP next week, which I have. But I am concerned as having googled it, it suggests that 2-4mm is normal measurement during your period. 

Just wondering if anyone could shed any light on this or if they've been in a similar situation and what the outcome was?


Thank you

  • Sorry I don't know anything about what is a typical reading but at my TV scan they measured my endometrium as 8mm. Nothing was said about it then or at the follow up appointment. There was more focus on a suspected dermoid cyst on my ovary. I has just finished my period. Hope you get some answers and I'm curious to see too if this is an unusual measurement. Hope everything turns out to be ok

  • Hi Kemmy,

    Thano you for your reply, did anything happen with your cyst?

    Maybe I'm worrying over nothing, I haven't heard from dr today - the sonographer was just very clear in expressing that I need to see my GP next week.

    I'll update if I hear more but am half expecting it to be nothing now as I think they would have contacted me today from what I've been reading on here. 

    Hope you're doing well. 

  • I was referred back in June after irrgeular and prolonged bleeding and had an ultrasound followed by hysteroscopy on the same day. At the time I had been bleeding for 8 weeks and my womb lining was 14.9mm and they found multiple cysts on both ovaries and polyps/fibroids within the womb. I was given the full blood tests,CT scans, MRI scan process and the outcome was benign cysts to be checked after six months, womb biopsy showed nothing suspicious - to be repeated in 6 months. I've had those 6 month checks now and the polyps/fibroids removed - largest cyst still there and one other, womb biopsy again all clear.  I think it just comes down to hormanal inbalance and I now have the mirena coil to hopefully keep the womb lining in order. Hopefully it will be down to hormones for you too - its hard going through the waiting period of not knowing but try to keep positive. All the best

  • Hi Leni,

    This sounds like it's been a stressful process for you, but I'm glad you've got a favourable outcome. I'm hoping for something similar as my symptoms sound similar to yours, but yes the waiting and Googling and not knowing is all very tough as I am prone to anxiety. I also heard her say my overies were 3.5cm and 4cm but not sure if this is ok or not. Of course I suppose I will find out on 06/04. Will update with info. Thanks again xx

  • I'm having a scan next week. I'm nervous as my CA125 was 265. 

    Good luck for your appointment. I hope we both get good news