Pea sized lump on inner labia

Sorry, I know this is really gross. I’m 20 and have so much anxiety about everything, especially Health and I know it’s wrong but I am constantly on google/nhs/web md etc. 

I have found a hard smaller than pea size lump on my vulva/ upper inner labia (above the clitorus) it is immovable but it not visible unless the skin is stretched and doesn’t hurt unless squeezed but I’m really worried it’s vulva cancer. It can’t be an STI as I’m not sexually active and it’s not an ingrown hair as there is no hair there. 

I’m really worried 


  • Hello and thanks for posting

    You probably already know that cancer at your age is still very unlikely.  Vulval cancer is rare and seen in much older women than yourself. 

    You may have a bartholin cyst which is extremely common.

    Your GP can assess you and tell you what the matter is to put your mind at rest.

    Do try and stop googling symptoms as it rarely helps and tends to feed into increasing anxiety levels. 

    You mention health anxiety, I know this can be difficult to live with. You might find it of some help to look at what support you can get about this.  Your GP could help you and the NHS has information about where you can get support on the Moodzone section of their website you can see it by clicking here

    I hope this has helped.

    Take care


  • I know this is an old thread and hopefully it came to nothing and went away. But please don’t ignore lumps as your too young for vulva cancer. I had vulva cancer at 21. I had a lump and it took ages to get it diagnosed due to dr and nurses telling me I was too young. It’s caused me to have to have more treatment and surgery. 

  • Hi, could you please tell me what your lump was like? I have found a lump and it's a pea size, hard and sensitive when touched. I have a smear due this week and will raise it with the doctor then but it's the weekend and im worried sick. 

  • Hi, 

    I went to the doctors and I turned out to be just an ingrown hair- she basically told me to pop it and pull the hair out and gave me some cream to prevent flare ups. Mine was incredibly sensitive to touch. I was too young to get a smear test. Basically she said that she knew even by my symptoms that it wasn’t vulva cancer because she said that bleeds a lot. It did take almost a month to heal 

    i was a hard lump that was really sensitive even to knickers and released white fluid when squeezed (sorry that’s incredibly graphic) 

    hope yours goes okay. 

  • Thank you for sharing that with me as it helps to try to decide what to do. Mine is hard only sensitive if I press on it otherwise it doesn't hurt. It doesn't move around and my skin is normal colour. I'll get it checked out and hopefully nothing but my god it's scary. Feel silly mentioning it to anyone but  helpful to write on here.

    Thank you 

  • mine didn’t move around either and yeah was only sensitive when touched 

    don’t worry 

    good luck 

  • Hi sorry to jump on this post.. Same thing happening . Found a hard lump a couple of weeks ago - very itchy at first but now nothing but a lump.. No pain or discomfort but has grown in size.. I've squeezed and prodded and pocked it just won't go away I'm doubting a cyst or infected hair follicle.. Help!! X X 

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    If this is not going away, then do pop along and see your GP. It isnt likely to be anything serious, and sounds like a blocked gland, hair follicle or a cyst. Your GP can advise you. Sometimes antibiotic cream is prescribed. 

    There is more information here,

    I hope that this reply is helpful. 

    Best wishes


  • I went to see my GP this morning.. She fumbled around and was unable to locate the lump without my showing her?? She didn't seem concerned and advised me to see a nurse when my next smear is due.. I'm utterly embarrassed and still very worried . Many thanks for your reply..  

  • Hi

    Mine just ended up being an ingrown hair- but I want a smear test but apparently I’m still too young (I’m 20) is there any way I can get one? 
