Partner diagnosed with testicular cancer

My partner and I found out yesterday that the cancer had spread to his lymph nodes and will need to have chemotherapy treatment. 

Im worried he’s going to back out from having it done he also has mental health issues and was recently diagnosed being bipolar. 

I know he’s worried about the treatment as we’ve been told the first lot of chemo will possibly be an injection into the muscle can anyone tell me if this will be really painful for him or is it just like having a flu jab ? 

Everything feels so surreal and I’m not too sure what I should be feeling. 


  • Hi Lesley. 

    Welcome to the forum. I don't think there's any right or wrong way to feel when someone you love is given a diagnosis like you have experienced this week. It's understandable that it can all feel surreal especially when you're having to factor in other health issues too. 

    We do have some information on our website about testicular cancer which may be of help to you both. I'm not sure if your partner has discussed his mental health diagnosis with his cancer specialist. If he feels able to then it's certainly worth having that conversation so that any appropriate additional support he may need can be arranged. It's also worth just letting his mental health team know so that they can help him too. 

    If you'd like to talk to one of our team of nurses about your concerns, you can give them a call on 0808 800 4040 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm). 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator