Parent with cancer

Hi i am new to this, my mum has been diagnosed with lung cancer which may also have spread to her spine, this has come as such a shock as there was literally no warning signs only symptom she had was a sore upper back.

Im 32 so its not like im a child but i just dont know how i can live without my mum in my life, we still have to find out more regarding cancer stage and possible treatment so its still early days but its so hard to deal with i wish it was me so she doesn't have to go through this.


Thank you for reading xx

  • Hi Ginger84

    welcome to the forum. 

    The early days after diagnosis are definitely the worst as you automatically will be thinking worst case scenario. 

    Im a parent, with cancer and my main concern is how my wife and kids are. I am a positive person by nature so I'm fine in myself and worry more about how my family are dealing with it!  It's totally natural to feel how you are. 

    However, modern medicine is amazing and hopefully your mums team will put a program together to get her through it. 

    hopefully you will hear soon, 

    kind regards


  • Hi ginger84 I have just been told the same news regarding my mum. I'm 27 and she was told last week she has secondary liver cancer and bone cancer aswell. She starts chemo in two weeks. But I'm scared as to how long she will last as she is very weak at the moment :( it's the uncertainty that I don't like. She had a bad back for 6 weeks which the doctors on numberous occasion said it was a trapped nerve and dismissed her many times at a+e. I feel like they have let her down massively and we might of lost many weeks which could be vital Thanks for reading
  • Hi Exilenumber53

    Thank you for your kind words,

    Im sorry about your diagnosis, you are an incredibly brave person and being a new parent myself i can understand how your focus changes to them.

    I think my mum ia the same more worried about others, we are a big family and shes very central always helping so i think shes worrying about how we all are going to cope. We will hopefully find out more she has an hospital appointment on Thursday so its just a waiting game for now


    Happy Easter to you and family xx

  • Hi Sergio8

    Im very sorry to hear about your mum, i think no matter what age we always need our mum, we experienced something similar doctors dismissing pain and just prescribing tablets.

    We have to wait until Thursday for next hospital appointment so until then the uncertainty just looms over, its actually mums birthday today what a birthday eh? 

    I hope you and family can have a nice Easter xx