Panic, panic, panic

Hello, I’m cat I’m 15 years old. During the start of January a small hard lump grew just next to my jaw on my neck. It got harder and bigger and I thought of it as a swollen lymph node. During the past I’ve had a couple of swollen soft lymph nodes but never hard.

i went to the doctors and they said it seemed normal, just normal human anatomy. I took a blood test and everything was fine.

however, I feel like it’s grown a tiny bit and I am really scared because everything that comes up is cancer this cancer that.

im truly terrified. What shall I do?

  • Hi Cat. 

    It's totally understandable that you are worrying, I would maybes contact your GP again, explain your concerns and hopefully they will be able to either keep an eye on it, refer you, or put your mind at ease. Either way, your not going to be able to settle until you voice your concerns to someone who can advise. 


    I hope you feel better soon 


  • Hey cat,

    im also 15 and although I don’t have anything like this my mum did have cancer.i honestly think if your worried you should listen to your body and book another GP appointment. I’m only saying this because my mum was told that what she had was nothing and she was just overreacting and she ended up with a serious disease that later affected her trust with doctors when she got cancer. I’m not saying you do have cancer but I’m saying that you have to listen to you’re body because doctors are humans and can make mistakes, one that cost mother her life xx

    also it could end up being nothing x a couple of weekends ago my best friend found a lump on her breast and I was so worried but it wasn’t  cancer and it wasn’t as just an infection x so honesty what you have could be anything and don’t be worry too much xx